Am I the only one who finds it funny that everyone rages over the MW2 DLC price when its completely comparable and more justifiable even then Halo 3's DLC which millions happily bought and never complained about? Both MW2 DLC packs contain 3 brand spankin' new maps and 2 recycled CoD4 maps for $15. The Halo 3 map packs gave you 3 maps (some were new, some were remakes) for $10. That's 2 less than what MW2 gives you. MW2 is charging you $3.00 a map and Halo 3 is charging you $3.33 a map. While I agree they're still a bit pricey, by that logic the Halo 3 map packs were pricey, though they were never complained about the the extent of the MW2 map packs here. Hell, if anything, IW is being more generous by not excluding large amounts of gametypes for those who don't have the newest maps (which Bungie did). Where is the logic in all of you moaners' complaints? Sounds more like another attempted justification of Activision being evil when they're comparable to any other dev in reality. Food for thought.
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