[QUOTE="Frozzik"]I have seen alot on this lately and i'd just like to try and show what most Pc gamers mean when they claim PC has higher standards. Also it should show why 2 versions getting the same score aren't always equal.
I's just like to say this is not an elitist hermit thread, just hoping it explains this concept.
Ok, I'd like to use 2 recent reviews, Fallout 3 and Farcry 2. Both these versions scored equal on PC and 360. PC gamers claim they have the better version of both yet 360 gamers say no, they scored the same so are the same......well, lets just look at that claim for a moment.
Lets just imagine the PC version of these games was 100% identical to the 360 version. No differences at all. Lets imagine the Pc version had a maximum res of 720p, no graphics options(it ran at the level the 360 does), no AF and little AA. No dedicated servers for online play (if they support online). Lets imagine it only had the option for one control methos, in this case a pad. Lets imagine they played at around 30fps on every machine and had fps problems now and then. Lets imagine they had 0% chance of any mod support at all. Taking all these things into consideration do you really think the PC version would have still scored as high as the 360 version? No, it wouldn't. Even though both version would be 100% identical the PC version would be regarded as a total mess.
You see, every game is reviewed in relation to the platform it is on. All the above make a game better yet on Pc are standard. This means they won't affect the score. I'm not saying those playing the PC version will get a better experience as such, both versions are great, both versions provide the same gameplay and the same experince. PC just has more to offer overall.
Now, i know i will be flames as a PC elitist, that is not what this thread is about, i'm just trying to explain why PC gamers often make this claim. Thanks for reading.
*Raises flame shield*
So, according to that ignorance, every game should be scored accoding to their potential, and we should assume that the PC version of the game is always running on the super-computer at Langley.
Obviously the PC version has higher potential. However, we're not talking about potential here. While the PC might be the best "version" it is not necessarily the best "choice" for most gamers.
If I wanted to play Fallout 3, I cound run out to the store, drop 250 bucks, and be home playing it, in 10 minutes.
If I wanted to play Falllout 3 like I wanted to on the PC, I would have to ugrade potentially upgrade my computer, run an hdmi cable, that I would have to buy, to my HDTV, configure my 360 controller to run via my PC, and install the game.
That's the problem with the generally accepted assumptions of PC superiority. You're always talking about potential with no thought whatsoever to convinience and accessibility.
Yes, if I were you, the PC version might be the best choice for me...but I'm me...and most of us, like me, the best, or at least most convinient option is the 360 version.
Not to mention the 360 exclusive DLC, or the securom DRM that fallout 3 ruins your 1000 dollar gaming rig with.
Here's why the 360 and PC versions scored the same:
All of the options on the PC version, you mentioned, don't make or break the game. They barely matter. The game runs at a nice steady clip on the 360, and a standard gaming PC. What the PC version has is:
1. Lack of convinience verses smoother framerate and higher resolution depending on the rig(but again, I've broken my rule already, as the game also has the potnetial to not run on some PC's or run poorly, a negative the 360 version does not). Running the same on all consoles is not always a negative.
2. Eventual usermods verses eventual DLC, neither of which matter at launch, or at the time of the review.
3. A spyware virus that will slow down your computer permanently verses 30 fps.
I always hear about the pros of PC, but the truth is, if the PC was put under the same scrutiany fanboys of the 360 or PS3 put on each others console, its flaws would also become apparent. Acting like PC gaming is the best thing since sliced bread, is Bull. Trust me, I've been a PC gamer all my life.
1. Convience you say? I just intalled my fallout and played dunno how your post is so long about that
2. PC has the DLC and mods .. fail
3. Your fault for getting it. Oh here what? RROD that permantly decreases your FPS to 0
If I wanted to play Falllout 3 like I wanted to on the PC, I would have to ugrade potentially upgrade my computer, run an hdmi cable, that I would have to buy, to my HDTV, configure my 360 controller to run via my PC, and install the game.
Ok so you don't have to buy a 360, run component cables, or configure your controller on the 360? Seriesly?Also I'd like to know what configuring you have to do to get the 360 controller to work on PC. The configuring on 360 is just pressing the middle button for the game to detect it, on PC it's just installing the software from MS.
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