when gears came out we were on a rampage cause of the graphix and we still gonna be till crysis.when we saw the E3 video of halo3 the situation was becoming perfect for lemmings.and now that halo3 showed its true colors,u guys are acting that its not all bout graphix but about gameplay.i havent seen so much hypocresy in this forum.the graphyx look good but not next gen good looking and being honest i dont see the game from here till sept to reach the E3 video quality.luv halo but i was expecting a lot more since the game is m$ baby for evrything.let me tell u this, be careful of the things that u said " oh the game is only on beta stages" cause if the game doesnt reach the e3 video quality, its gonna be major downgrade and ownage for a lot of people.
I never expected Halo to look like Gears. The next game I see taking over Gears is Mass Effect. That game has always been the best looking game on consoles IMO. Since the X06 footage.
Halo 3 does not look Gears of War good but that doesn't mean that it doesn't look next-gen. I've played both Halo 2 and Halo 3 and I have noticed a big difference. There is no way that Xbox 1 could handle Halo 3.
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