They make me sick.. .the fact that there are actually fools boycotting one of the best games to come out this year due to betheada. Who cares if a mediocre dlc for a game over a year old isn't out on ps3 yet... hell I didn't even finish skyrim, who cares....
It's no reason to boycott a new ip in a genre that is so fresh and so good... a ip that combines the wonders of my favorite series theif with my other favorite series deus ex and combines it into a half-life meets the English industrial revolution.
I have racked up over 15 hours in the game and I am still on mission 2 of the 9 missions in the game. I love it and it's divergent gamplay is so rewarding and it makes you think.
Its sad that these fools aren't playing the game. No one on my friends list is playing dishonored or XCOM ... .the best games out this year by far. And no one in system wars praises these games either.... why? Because they aren't exclusive? Who gives a F@#$... seriously. I would play these multiplats anyday over any exclusive... i frankly don't play games to support a publihser...i play them to have fun. And anyone boycotting Dishonored becasue of Bethesda is a damn fool and is missing out on my GOTY!!!
Its sad guess what games most people on my friends list are playing? COD: MW3 or Black ops, and Borderlands 2...and stupid hockey... No one buy myself is playing dishonored or xcom (well i am playing xcom on pc)...
What say you system wars ...are ps3 owners boycotting this game mentally ______ and missing out? Why can't' people support new ips with great gameplay like thief, deus ex and bioshock. I want to see Arkane succeed here as I love this type of game and don't want more of the same COD and generic fps bs that so many people seem to love (stupid young kids and their multiplayer crap...; yeah I am mad! (so post the "he mad" thing if you want I don't flippin care.)
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