I'm playing on a 1080p HDMI connected TV on my 360 and.... CoD4 doesn't look that great.
Nothing in that game is truly spectacular. Textures BLOW. It's a shame that I have to look at them so much because that's how the game is played. But god does it get UGLY.
Explosions suck. There is no screen shake or good lighting assosiated with them. They aren't satisfying.
Running animations (save sprinting) look like rubbish. Feet slide unrealisticly all over the ground. Dying animations are predictable and overused.
Atmospheric effects (minus the nuke) are laughable. You can see right through them.
There is not one wall with anything other than a flat, ugly texture. For instance a brick wall doesn't look real. It looks like just a big polygon with a brick texture on it. Same can be said for almost everything.
There isn't an extensive physics engine. The only physics involved in it are grenade tosses, which don't always bounce realisticly anyways...
So there. I have provided much indisputable evidence proving that CoD4 doesn't look so hot. You might say "OMG but teh 60fps makes it liek buttar!" Sorry, but that's no excuse for everything else looking so bad. CoD4 doesn't look very good. Accept it.
Update: Yes the game is fun. But that's not what we are talking about. GRAPHICS = this thread
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