Hey, alright well I've been drinking a lot of monsters today but I really feel this needs to be said...
What's in a name? Like Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft...those are all names, all three.
When you're three hours deep into your daily system wars routine, do you want to have to keep promoting a company named Nintendo - more like NintenDUMB!!! I mean jesus, have you seen this thing's graphics? It's like playing a system that doesn't even work so good!! Open your stupid eyes, people!!
Microsoft? More like MicroSUCK!!! Yep. That just happened. I went there and I didn't come back. Deal with it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard the hype..."It has Halo, blah, blah, blah, blah!!" Well, guess what? Guess, I mean it. Okay, well you're wrong. If you want Halo-type gameplay with even better, more real graphics(X9 at least) buy a PS3!!! Then go buy KillZone II!!! I'm tellin' ya, mon...it'll be worth yo money, no doubt!!!
What if PS4 comes out unexpectedly like in mid/late 2008??? We've all heard the roomers!! And not every roomer stays a roomer, you know!!! Then what will you do with your KillZone II-less system?? Wii? 360? Do yourself a favor and get your head out of the clouds and put it in a Gamestop...and GO BUY A PS3!!! People are amazingly dumb sometimes!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!
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