Sony isn't losing, no not by a long shot let me elaborate for you.
Now, Sony planned this all along, they planned to have poor launch games. but why? To make way for blu-ray.
PS3 sold out at launch and owners are justifying their purchase by buying Blu Ray movies with the lack of games what else can they do. Blu-Ray is giving HD-DVD quite a beating in sales, recent studies show that PS3 owners on average have 6 blu-ray movies per console.
Can't you see Sony done this on purpose to feed you the blu-ray and you never guess what its working.
On the games side of things well guys say Hi to the best console ever made:
Its outselling the 360 in sales, recently its been beating the 360 in games like, Okami, Bully, and the new FF. Not to mention GOTY 07 GoW2. Its beats it in graphics with Shadow of the colossus and Okami.
Basically Sony are not as behind as you think they are, they are actually masters why do you think they are still cocky?
Sony are masterminds and have got you all cracked, my brief honeymoon with Nintendo is over. Its time to me to get me a PS3 blow the dust of my PS2 and watch movies to my hearts content. By 2008 ill be the one laughing when the 360 has lost all of its exclusives to the PS3 and the Wii is a lame fad with graphics rivaling the PSP.
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