What the hell are you talking about "left more with than they came in." they already had it settled and theyre just announcing it to the public. Seriously, they aren't losing anything. You guys still get the game so just stfu. It's just being released to more people allowing them to enjoy the game as well. If you don't like it, don't buy it then. Be a little baby about it and complain that they gave away exclusivity. God. PS3 fanboys are all babies just because they "lost" an exclusive. You guys get to keep Versus all for yourselves. Why do people care if its an exclusive or not? One console does not overpower another. If you think so, just buy the "other" and you will see for yourself that each one will have their own strengths and have their weaknesses.
So..what I think, GAMERS ARE SUCH CRY BABIES. GOD! Who cares about exclusives -_- I wouldn't give a **** if Gears or Halo or any other of XBox's exclusives went to the PS3, itll still look good, its not like theyre relasing a mock of the game there so whatever...
Umm, I have no idea what this has to do with this thread (unless you're calling Tony a ps3 fanboy, in which case you couldn't be anymore wrong).
And what about lengthy dev time (they haven't started ANYTHING for the 360's ff xiii and since they're (except for jpn's game) gonna be released on the same day obviously the ps3's ff xiii is gonna get delayed), split development teams, and trust?
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