I dunno about you guys, but honestly, what else is there to hype a game on when you know next to nothing about it?
look at Halo 3? before anything about the story was known, people were touting its graphics and stuff as "better than the PS3".
look at Crysis, has any game before been more hyped soely on graphics?
Mass Effect? I STILL don't know what the hell it's about. All i hear is "It LOOKS great!"
So yeah. Almost every game is hyped based on graphics now. Because the first thing we usually get from developers are screenshots/videos. When was the last time you heard of a developer releasing a storyline and detailed character bios before they show any screenshots?
So yeah. It has nothing to do with the PS3. All systems and fanboys do this.0rin
One of Mass Effect's unique gameplay elements involves its conversation system. Previous BioWare console titles such as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Jade Empire employed a conversation system where the player chose from several responses after non-player characters (NPCs) had finished speaking. Mass Effect introduces a new system in which responses to NPCs are displayed and can be chosen before the NPC has finished speaking. This, combined with detailed facial expressions, allows for more fluid and natural conversations, which gives character interaction a cinematic and believable quality.
The dialogue system is a refined, more dynamic version of what you've seen in previous BioWare games. You'll no longer read the lines and select which one you want to say; now you use a dialogue wheel to choose the approach you want to take (bully, bribe, or be nice, for example), and your character takes it from there.[10]
The player can interrupt the speech of another character, and the character will react appropriately to the interruption (as opposed to a system that simply allows you to skip through dialogue to save time). If the player wants to befriend someone, they must wait until the NPC finishes speaking, deterring the player from constantly interrupting NPCs.
A radial command menu, divided into six equal sections like a pie chart, is shown at the bottom of the screen when a conversation is initiated. Each section is assigned a brief preview of the response that will be made, usually a short phrase (such as "What's going on?"). The response is selected by moving the analog stick in the direction of the desired response on the circle and pressing one of two face buttons, depending on the desired action: the X Button to interrupt the NPC at any time, or the A button to allow the NPC to finish what they are saying. The command menu is organized such that each section is assigned a particular inclination (i.e. being nice, aggressive, etc.), so that after players have become comfortable with the system they will no longer have to read the menu, and will be able to respond appropriately, immediately, if desired. BioWare hopes that the innovative system will allow the game to be more cinematic and free players from reading large amounts of dialogue, as would be required with the commonly used system of simply having the player choose from complete, sometimes long, written statements.
As for the plot of the game:
The story revolves around an ancient alien prophecy stating that every fifty thousand years a portal that separates the "normal" universe and a realm beyond opens, spewing out an alien machine race that comes to the galaxy to harvest all sapientorganic life, and the time of their return is approaching. As the first human Spectre - sworn defenders of galactic peace - Shepard's mission is to halt the advancing armies of Saren, a legendary Spectre agent gone rogue who apparently wishes to wipe out the entire human race using Prothean technology and an army of subservient geth. Shepard will lead an elite team across hostile alien worlds and discover that the true threat is far greater than anyone imagined.
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