[QUOTE="latinrage69"]why? just, why? isn't the hdd user upgradable in the first place? why create a new model with a 200gb hdd when sony could just put out the hdd by itself with a lower price. let's have a look at the recent stupid mistakes made by sony:
1) add blu-ray so they can beat toshiba in the format war.
2) charge $200 more than the competition for something that has less exclusives, more ports (poor ports), barley any games out, the one "killer app" (rfom) is a generic shooter.
3) drop the lower-cost model just 5 months after launch.
4) say rumble is last gen then say their putting it in the future.
5) introduce a "true hd" game console and include sd composite cables.
6) now they want to introduce a 200gb model for what, $650, $700.
sony is probably trying to flop out of the system wars on purpose. when the new version of the ps3 flops, expect it to take down bd as well and cause sony to go bankrupt.
Do you have any idea how many billions of dollars it would take for SNE to even begin to legally seek bankruptcy protection?
sony's doing a great job getting there as quick as possible. they're about to fire 2,000 people from SCEE (that's 10% of the workforce at SCEE), they're tv sales are going down the crapper (they're losing out to samsung and philips), the ps3 continues to lose $240 per console (doesn't sound like much but if they produce 1 million console and actually manage to sell them, that's a $240,000,000 of lost revinue, to make up for this, they gain money from the sales of software (not much out or coming out), micro-transactions and advertisements (hello, HOME!)). blu-ray, while somewhat sell well, sold only 160,000 units than rival hd dvd (860,000 to 705,000 according to sony's recent bd/hd sales report composed from nielson/videoscan numbers). sony is bleeding themselves dry and they will have to start selling off smaller, less profitable subsidiaries to make up for the losses. that's why they stopped manufacturing semiconductors (like the cell). it will cost them less to buy them than to make them.
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