Obviously, Nintendo's been absolutely crackers about rehashing an inch high plumber since the NES days. (although, I'll be fair and give Yoshi's island and SMW a pass)
But what's even more enjoyable about this thread would be the fact that Sony trumped Nintendo the entire time with better franchises from the PS1 til' now. Let's discuss-
PS1 had Syphon Filter, Metal Gear Solid, Parappa, Ninja- Shadow of Darkness, GT etc. Couple that with the fact that it had a ridiculous amount of third party games that were exclusive to the PS1 and we have the obvious winner. (Of course, the Saturn was an excellent piece of hardware)
N64 had Mario, Zelda, a crappy DK game and SSB. (which was not better than Saturn's Fighters Megamix or PS1's Tekken 3)
Strike one.
PS2 had Jak, Jak and Daxter, Yakuza, Sly Cooper, Rachet and Clank, God of War, Killzone, SOTC, ICO, MGS3 etc. Plus a ridiculous amount of exclusive third party games.
Gamecube had Mario, Mario Party continued from N64 (rehash), Zelda-Twilight Princess and it's worst in the form of Luigi's Mansion (what a terrible piece of sh!t game)
Strike 2.
PS3 has GOW3, LBP (which trumped Mario), Uncharted, Infamous, Killzone, Resistance, Warhawk, Heavy Rain and soon to be The Last of Us (which will be the greatest 7th gen game; period)
Wii had?
Oh. SMG and SMG rehash. The worst Zelda. The worst Donkey Kong, and more Mario. Plus gimmick control.
Sony's always been better. The proof's in the pudding.
So much for being innovative when Nintendo's only been Mario.
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