Could the PS5 be backwards compatible for every Playstation game? Or is it just wishful thinking, SW? That would be amazing if it could do it.
Could the PS5 be backwards compatible for every Playstation game? Or is it just wishful thinking, SW? That would be amazing if it could do it.
When the PS5 comes out they’ll have four generations of home console games to draw from, they’d be incredibly foolish not to leverage that by making the PS5 backwards compatible with them. Their digital storefront would be absolutely huge.
Could the PS5 be backwards compatible for every Playstation game? Or is it just wishful thinking, SW? That would be amazing if it could do it.
What happens to PS NOW? Its profitable and one of your fellow herd members made a thread not so long ago about how much revenue its makes. And then there's the Sony made XXX billions from PSN "services" lol. I'm gonna piss myself laughing if Sony announces PS NOW V2 alongside of the PS5 announcement.
Imagine no free BC and having to pay for it, oh its ok you cows will just say this lol...
Here comes "cows don't like old games" or "Sony wants you to pay for the game again as a remaster".
See the DC has already started LMFAO.
Either way the rest of SW gets to laugh at you cows :)
Wait what??? I don’t think you are grasping the significance of this patent. It looks like it’s stating hardware that would be capable of emulating every PS game ever created which is already something PSNow more or less does with its catalog. This implies that in theory a PS5 would be capable of running any game locally, PS3,PS4, or other wise. This would have immense significance with BOTH PSnow and PSPlus as you could in theory have access to every game you got on PSPlus or Now on your PS5!! This is huge and one of the things I said previously is that the likelihood of Sony locally emulating PS3 on a PS5 may be technically feasible but because of the different architecture, particularly Nvidia, it would require emulators and by extension it would likely be illegal baring some agreement with Nvidia. This patent at least seems to show they are already addressing the legality of distributing an emulator!! So they already at least looked at if not addressed that major hurdle.
I hope PS5 plays everything, but apparently emulating the PS3 would be a feat of engineering. 1, 2, and 4 would still be cool though.
If PS5 is fully backwards compatible, it would be the ultimate console. I hope they do this. Even just 1, 2, and 4 would be excellent.
I'd be less impressed them pulling off the technical accomplishment, they should honor rights of purchased PS1/PS2 classics from PS3 and carry over the catalog, that will be more challenging, but I would be far happier with that. Like with Nintendo though, I am done supporting their digital BC if they expect me to repurchase my digital BC games again.
@judaspete: @X_CAPCOM_X:
We are will at the point where cell can be emulated properly. Remember Cell was an PPC running at 3.2Ghz with OOOe and 7 spus. The reason it was virtually impossible to emulate it is because you needed to be able to run at least 8 cores at 3.2 GHz at the absolute very minimum. Next Gen consoles should have 8 cores possibly 16threads and do 3.2Ghz if nothing else but for native back compatibility for X360 and PS3. It was such a hurtle this generation because there’s nothing you can do to make a 1.2Ghz processor run core efficiently that designed to run on processors 2x as fast in terms of frequency. You just can’t emulate that away.
@i_p_daily: Wow you're stupid. PSNow is not BC, just as gamepass isn't. You should have a post limit per day.
If they were purchased through PSN why would carrying the game over to PS5 be a challenge?
@i_p_daily: Wow you're stupid. PSNow is not BC, just as gamepass isn't. You should have a post limit per day.
Its Sony's only answer to BC as it does allow you to play older on your PS4 for a price of course. Maybe Sony's engineers should stop sitting around at the beach all the time and you know does some engineering lol.
Wishful thinking probably but if it came true I would buy a Ps5 without hesitation! Especially if PS2 games can up res to 1080 like the emulators do. Make PS3 game 60fps as well as PS4. That would be frickin epic.
Movie games don’t age well.
Play the first Uncharted game today. I dare you.
I replayed it earlier this year. In some ways, it's better than the movie games we have now. Less scripted and with more action than the sequels. Also feels more like a pulp adventure than the more serious sequels. Just not as polished.
@judaspete: @X_CAPCOM_X:
We are will at the point where cell can be emulated properly. Remember Cell was an PPC running at 3.2Ghz with OOOe and 7 spus. The reason it was virtually impossible to emulate it is because you needed to be able to run at least 8 cores at 3.2 GHz at the absolute very minimum. Next Gen consoles should have 8 cores possibly 16threads and do 3.2Ghz if nothing else but for native back compatibility for X360 and PS3. It was such a hurtle this generation because there’s nothing you can do to make a 1.2Ghz processor run core efficiently that designed to run on processors 2x as fast in terms of frequency. You just can’t emulate that away.
CELL's PPC is in-order processing NOT out-of-order processing CPU.
SPU's block diagram
16byte = 128bit data or four 32bit data packed.
For 128bit FMA3 operation, it would have A x B +C = D. Each operand input letter is 128 bit (16 byte)packed.
CELL's SPE has 128bit FMA3 SIMD unit.
FMA3 means fused multiply-add with 3 operands inputs.
AMD Ryzen CPU core has two 128 bit FMA3 units. AMD Ryzen CPU core has 512 KB L2 cache shared for it's two threads.
Intel Haswell CPU core has two 256 bit FMA3 units and each SM thread can have one or two 256 bit FMA3 units. The problem with Haswell CPU is it's 256KB L2 cache split for two threads, hence there's L2 cache over spillover. SPE's thread has 256KB local data storage.
Intel SkyLake X CPU has two 512 bit FMA3 units. Intel SkyLake X CPU has 512 KB L2 cache shared for it's two threads, hence 256 KB L2 cache per thread.
Intel SkyLake X CPU can handle two SPUs. I selected Skylake X architecture to purposely run PS3 emulation with extra CPU power to spare!
@judaspete: @X_CAPCOM_X:
We are will at the point where cell can be emulated properly. Remember Cell was an PPC running at 3.2Ghz with OOOe and 7 spus. The reason it was virtually impossible to emulate it is because you needed to be able to run at least 8 cores at 3.2 GHz at the absolute very minimum. Next Gen consoles should have 8 cores possibly 16threads and do 3.2Ghz if nothing else but for native back compatibility for X360 and PS3. It was such a hurtle this generation because there’s nothing you can do to make a 1.2Ghz processor run core efficiently that designed to run on processors 2x as fast in terms of frequency. You just can’t emulate that away.
CELL's PPC is in-order processing NOT out-of-order processing CPU.
SPU's block diagram
16byte = 128bit data or four 32bit data packed.
For 128bit FMA3 operation, it would have A x B +C = D. Each operand input letter is 128 bit (16 byte)packed.
CELL's SPE has 128bit FMA3 SIMD unit.
FMA3 means fused multiply-add with 3 operands inputs.
AMD Ryzen CPU core has two 128 bit FMA3 units. AMD Ryzen CPU core has 512 KB L2 cache shared for it's two threads.
Intel Haswell CPU core has two 256 bit FMA3 units and each SM thread can have one or two 256 bit FMA3 units. The problem with Haswell CPU is it's 256KB L2 cache split for two threads, hence there's L2 cache over spillover. SPE's thread has 256KB local data storage.
Intel SkyLake X CPU has two 512 bit FMA3 units. Intel SkyLake X CPU has 512 KB L2 cache shared for it's two threads, hence 256 KB L2 cache per thread.
Intel SkyLake X CPU can handle two SPUs. I selected Skylake X architecture to purposely run PS3 emulation with extra CPU power to spare!
Sweet! Then maybe it will :)
@judaspete: @X_CAPCOM_X:
We are will at the point where cell can be emulated properly. Remember Cell was an PPC running at 3.2Ghz with OOOe and 7 spus. The reason it was virtually impossible to emulate it is because you needed to be able to run at least 8 cores at 3.2 GHz at the absolute very minimum. Next Gen consoles should have 8 cores possibly 16threads and do 3.2Ghz if nothing else but for native back compatibility for X360 and PS3. It was such a hurtle this generation because there’s nothing you can do to make a 1.2Ghz processor run core efficiently that designed to run on processors 2x as fast in terms of frequency. You just can’t emulate that away.
CELL's PPC is in-order processing NOT out-of-order processing CPU.
SPU's block diagram
16byte = 128bit data or four 32bit data packed.
For 128bit FMA3 operation, it would have A x B +C = D. Each operand input letter is 128 bit (16 byte)packed.
CELL's SPE has 128bit FMA3 SIMD unit.
FMA3 means fused multiply-add with 3 operands inputs.
AMD Ryzen CPU core has two 128 bit FMA3 units. AMD Ryzen CPU core has 512 KB L2 cache shared for it's two threads.
Intel Haswell CPU core has two 256 bit FMA3 units and each SM thread can have one or two 256 bit FMA3 units. The problem with Haswell CPU is it's 256KB L2 cache split for two threads, hence there's L2 cache over spillover. SPE's thread has 256KB local data storage.
Intel SkyLake X CPU has two 512 bit FMA3 units. Intel SkyLake X CPU has 512 KB L2 cache shared for it's two threads, hence 256 KB L2 cache per thread.
Intel SkyLake X CPU can handle two SPUs. I selected Skylake X architecture to purposely run PS3 emulation with extra CPU power to spare!
Sweet! Then maybe it will :)
Note that Ryzen 3000(ZEN 2) has double FMA math power over Ryzen 2000 (ZEN 1.x) series i.e. ZEN2 is like "Skylake S" or "Kabylake R" class CPU core with a Skylake X's larger L2 cache size.
PS5 with 8 core mobile Ryzen is more than enough to run PC's desktop applications, hence Sony effectively reboots their "fat" x86 PC business.
I still don't see this happening. Didn't PSNOW make $400 million last year? Why on earth would Sony kill the service?
I still don't see this happening. Didn't PSNOW make $400 million last year? Why on earth would Sony kill the service?
Here comes "cows don't like old games" or "Sony wants you to pay for the game again as a remaster".
The day the PS get BC is the day BC stop mattering again,just like when the PS3 was backward compatible with like 8,000 games and lemmings didn't care.
What happens to PS NOW? Its profitable and one of your fellow herd members made a thread not so long ago about how much revenue its makes. And then there's the Sony made XXX billions from PSN "services" lol. I'm gonna piss myself laughing if Sony announces PS NOW V2 alongside of the PS5 announcement.
Imagine no free BC and having to pay for it, oh its ok you cows will just say this lol...
Here comes "cows don't like old games" or "Sony wants you to pay for the game again as a remaster".
See the DC has already started LMFAO.
Either way the rest of SW gets to laugh at you cows :)
PS Now is not freaking BC is a rental service, only fool such as your self believe that PS Now is anything more than Netflix for games, explain to me how PS now feature some PS4 games? So the PS4 is backward compatible with it self? lol
By the way most money made by PSN is not done on PS Now, is done by PSN+ and micro transactions.
No the day the PS get BC AGAIN is the day you people stop caring for it, in special if it is like PS3 or PS2 were almost all games worked not just a few ones like on xbox or 360.
The PS3 was BC with more than 8,000 on 2006 and lemmings could not care less and claimed for years the PS2 didn't have games.
Imaging a platform where you could play the best Metal gear games, some of the best final fantasy, instant classics like God of war, gran turismo,gran theft auto, devil may cry, onimusha, tomb raider, Tekken from the first one to the lest one.
And still lemmings didn't give a rats ass about it.
So yeah the day the PS get BC again is the day it stop mattering.
Its Sony's only answer to BC as it does allow you to play older on your PS4 for a price of course. Maybe Sony's engineers should stop sitting around at the beach all the time and you know does some engineering lol.
Please stop the only reason the xbox has BC is because MS was behind and wanted something to have over sony, reason why BC on xbox one is shitty and confined to few games mostly old arcades and indies.
By the way playing PS3 games on PS4 by emulation is basically impossible Cell is actually stronger than the jaguar inside the PS4,so it would be impossible to emulate unless process are move to compute on PS4 GPU which would probably require a rewrite of many of the codes of games and would be on a game by game basis as not all games use SPE in the same way.
This is confirmed by the article done by ND talking about how they port The last of US to PS4.
And the PS4 can't even play PS1 games, the PS4 doesn't recognize CD's at all.
But once again if that happen you lemmings will be back to not giving a fu** about BC.
Last gen xbox 360 fans weren't stock on BC which they had since day 1,not 2 years after release, but you know why they weren't stock on it? Because the xbox 360 actually had great games to play high rated exclusives that you could not find anywhere else, something the xbox one lack.
hopefully its solid. since sony are out of the handheld market it would be cool if PSP and Vita BC could be added too. 1,2 and 4 should certainly have full BC. hopefully itll have the brute force to deal with the PS3s odd design too.
i havent got a PS4 but if the PS5 was fully BC then getting a PS5 day one with the big launch titles + raiding the PS4 backlog would be a nice time :D.
Maybe but this could also work out with my other theory. That the PS5 has an optional optical drive similar to the HDDVD for the x360. If you want back compatibility with discs you would need to buy the $100 add on. Otherwise you would only have back compatibility via the PSnow/psn store.
Maybe but this could also work out with my other theory. That the PS5 has an optional optical drive similar to the HDDVD for the x360. If you want back compatibility with discs you would need to buy the $100 add on. Otherwise you would only have back compatibility via the PSnow/psn store.
Given the size of games, I doubt they will get rid of the blu-ray player. Will they sell it with a 5TB drive minimum?
No, if I were Sony I would sell it just like the Switch. A bare bones model with a 64 or 128GB eMMC chip, SD card slot. Optional HDD and optional Optical drive. The eMMC serves as standard cache for all devices.
Users get their own storage based on their usage model or buy upgraded models with HDD/Blu-ray etc.
This also would have the added bonus of them being able to make a mobile slim version when the die shrinks in 2.5 years and they do a mid gen console refresh. Without a requirement for large storage they could throw a 5g chip in a slim mid gen refresh and have the ultimate portable.
Would love to be able to play my PS2 games at higher res and/or FPS. Would probably pay big bucks if the PS5 allowed that.
It's not like everybody still has their PS2 collections sitting around. They could sell the games digitally like they do now, just let people with discs play them too.
I still have 50 PS1 and 40 PS2 game discs so if this were to become an actual thing in PS5, that would be incredible. I was actually pretty mad at Sony for discontinuing backwards compatibility (BC) in their hardware last gen. Given the comments in here, I'm guessing most Xbox fans forgot that Playstation did it first on home consoles (Nintendo first on handhelds).
As a gamer that has had a Playstation as my primary device since Christmas 1995, I will say that Xbox including BC this gen was a great advantage they had over the competition. I truly hope Sony saw that and at least gives the PS5 BC with both PS4 and PSVR.
I still have 50 PS1 and 40 PS2 game discs so if this were to become an actual thing in PS5, that would be incredible. I was actually pretty mad at Sony for discontinuing backwards compatibility (BC) in their hardware last gen. Given the comments in here, I'm guessing most Xbox fans forgot that Playstation did it first on home consoles (Nintendo first on handhelds).
As a gamer that has had a Playstation as my primary device since Christmas 1995, I will say that Xbox including BC this gen was a great advantage they had over the competition. I truly hope Sony saw that and at least gives the PS5 BC with both PS4 and PSVR.
Yea, I think Sony would win the next gen hands down in an instant if they announce this.
Given the way the PS4 hardware is built, I see no reason why PS4 games shouldn't just... run on PS5 - no funny business. That is, unless they do something stupid and change the CPU architecture again.
PS3 is a toss up - probably will stick to PSNow for those.
PS2 and PS1 should be BC no problem via emulation.
why is this amazing?
Doesn't TC always post about how he "already played the game" when others bring up older titles?
Yup. Who was that dude from Sony that said "Who wants to play old games?" Now its all good and "Yipeeee!! I hope its True!"
why is this amazing?
Doesn't TC always post about how he "already played the game" when others bring up older titles?
Yup. Who was that dude from Sony that said "Who wants to play old games?" Now its all good and "Yipeeee!! I hope its True!"
The difference is I'm not buying a new Xbox just to play old games..
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