[QUOTE="mikasa"][QUOTE="Javy03"][QUOTE="mikasa"][QUOTE="Javy03"] Nice but next time dont skip over all of this....
"Sony lost its top spot on a Harris Interactive consumer brand survey to Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO), after seven straight years at No. 1. Then again, Sony shareholders might take some comfort inknowing that it's still holding on at No. 2, despite its many recent consumer-galling mistakes.
CNET sought out Sony's side of the story. The company said that there's still plenty of the 60 GB models around, and it didn't rule out the idea of a later price cut on the higher-end version, once it evaluates the market."
I would be surprised if after Sony has been bragging about it selling double that when the 60gb goes away they will justify 100 dollars more for the 80gb and not just knock it down. Especially since its cheaper to make then the 60gb and their sales are on fire since the drop to 499.
People have been mad at Sony before and the PS2 got its share of bad press. Nothing changes a bunch of sheeps minds like success and so far Sony is doing all the right things, locking in exclusives, dropping prices, New IPs, and making games that are living up to the hype.
But nice try to try and invent bad news.....
So you're claiming this article is GOOD NEWS for Sony? :roll:
Wow. Amazing at how one could read that article and claim it was anything but bad news. They lose their 1st place good name to Coke. And they have another PR blunder, but yeah...it's good news. :roll:
I never said its good news, but its not the way you are trying to make it appear, that Sony is "pissing' people off. It says nothing new, just that some people are worried about the 499 price point, but then SOny says they are open to dropping the 599 after evaluating the market which you left out in attempt to selective read.
Maybe you need to re-read these parts again.
Several of Sony's moves over the last couple of years haven't exactly engendered consumers' goodwill. Rootkits, fake blogs -- is this the right way to treat customers? The Financial Times reported that Sony's phaseout resulted in consumer rants on gaming sites.
Still, Sony shareholders, or anybody who's considering the stock, should think long and hard about its recent PR blunders. In addition to suggesting serious strategy confusion at Sony, their effect on consumers' opinions of the company's motives shouldn't be ignored.
It still holds the #2 spot under Coke, and I am glad The Financial Times reported on the Rootkits, and fake blogs. Tell me what do you think the average joe knows about, these random things or the 360 failure rate and need to extend to 3 years because FOX and other media outlets reported on their lies about their failure rate, there are posts about possible recalls...and you think old news makes Sony look bad...LOL please. COmpared to its competition currently they look just fine.
Yes M$ is jacked up with the failures. When did I ever say they weren't? Oh, I guess you think by pointing out M$'s flaws it excuses Sony's bad PR. That my friend is called damage control.
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