1 ) EVERY Sony system has been massively overhyped for all the wrong reasons - graphics. What other video game company has named and hyped their consoles chipsets, even theirCONTROL PADS,like sony have ?!
2 ) Think about it; PS1 had it's massively over-hyped DualShock control pad (the N64's was far superior), the same goes with DualShock 2 . SONY made several claims about the superiority of the PS1 over the Saturn, whose differences were minimal at best.
3) The PS2's "Emotion Engine" (and the Toy Story graphics claim - LOL) and now the Cell/SixAxis/DualShock3 - all nicely named and overhyped so Cow's can run around with their crystal balls making outlandish claims.
4) What other company has ever overhyped their systems in this manner ?! I think it's abhorrent that SONY have to give electronic components moniker's to garner interest in their system because they ALWAYS under-deliver, yet fans of the PlayStation brand turn a blind eye to the fact that not ONCE have SONY come through on the hardware side.
Currently, Cows are running around consulting the bones and claiming the impending 2008 death of the Wii and 360 whilst completely ignoring the fact that the PS3 is a commercial abomination.
1) When MS first revealed the Xbox, they hyped the graphics capabilities by comparing to "the competition." Were they comparing the Xbox graphics to the PS2, which had already launched? No. They were comparing the Xbox to the PS1. In that same presentation, Bill Gates actually bragged about the controller having 6 face buttons (which the Genesis also had).
MS was quoted by EGM as saying the Xbox was 30x more powerful than the competition. They also openly bragged before launch about testing their controller design with hundreds of "hardcore gamers"...and those "hardcore gamers" thought the controller was perfect! About 3 months after the console launched, so many people were complaining about the controller (including "hardcore gamers") that MS had to bring out a smaller version.
2) The PS1 was EXTREMELY different from the Saturn. First of all, the Saturn was never meant to be a 3D machine. SEGA wanted it to be the ultimate 2D machine. When they found out Sony was pushing 3D graphics for their upcoming machines (ps1), SEGA quickly slapped together a terrible 3D piece of hardware and simply stuck it on the existing Saturn design. This resulted in an over priced piece of hardware that SEGA lost money on. It resulted in the Saturn being terrible at 3D compared to the PS1 (although far superior for 2d games like Street Fighter). This also resulted in the Saturn being extremely difficult to develop for due to the short-sighted, slapped together nature of the hardware.
And no. The DS wasfar superior to the three pronged piece of crap that was the N64 controller.I had BOTH consoles btw. The N64 controller was hard on the thumbs, it was was too big,you needed toBUY rumble as an added item (which made the controller heavy and awkward and STILLwas as food as the two rumbles inDS of different sizes). Finally, the three prong design of the N64 controller meant gamers had to chose between analog OR D-pad because it was almost impossible to use both at once (unlike with the DS).
3) Nobody has EVER been able to provide a quote of SONY (Sony themselves, not somebody who claims Sony said it) making the Toy Story claim. NOBODY. Look in the forum archives and you will see MANY challenges for Sony haters to provide a link to SONY making this claim. NOBODY has been able to do so. On the other hand, many provide direct links to MS making the Toy Story 2 claim.
4) What other companies have hyped their consoles this much? Uhmmm...HELLO! MS! Nobody hypes more than MS or pays more for PR and advertising than MS. Last gen, MS spent more on PR and advertising for their console than Nintendo and SOny COMBINED! No other company had an MTV special with hired celebrities to praise their console.
I'm sorry, but every single thing you have posted is totally and completely wrong. Currently, lemmings are running around claiming to be ruling this generation of consoles and proclaiming the death of Sony. Yet the PS2 still crushes the 360, and the 360 STILL is failing to outsell the original Xbox. The 360, while a good console with good games, has nowhere CLOSE to the sales, games, or diversity to even come close to providing the gaming experience Sony has over the last 12 years.And it has lost MS billions in only 4 or 5 years. Instead, all lemmingsdo is post lies and distortions on the internet and cry like babies because they feel insecure about worshipping a console that isn't #1.
WHile you are crying, maybe you should cry about MS lying about the 360 being $299 and having an HDD standard. They promised standard HDD to the public while, behind the public's back, they told developers the exact opposite. WHile last gen, MS openly mocked the competition for being too stupid to realize the importance of standard HDD in consoles, NOW praises choice and add ons now that they removed standard HDD from their console. MS is just as arrogant and full of misinformation as any other corporation. Yet it's hillarious that lemmings CONSTANTLY attack Sony, but when MS does the exact same thing, lemmings forgive and forget, even make excuses to defend their love and undying loyalty for MS.
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