@iandizion713 said:
I dont think Sony can recover from the massive Vita failure. Microsoft should be able to take back America since it will have the worlds most powerful console. Nintendo will have to live up to the 3DS's success.
Yeah let bring the PORTABLE market which sony never not once dominated,to try to save face for MS..
Taking america mean nothings in fact the gap between the PS4 and xbox on is small in US but huge every where else,this market is not about just winning 1 country that is some bullshit theory invented again by lemmings to try to claim some kind of victory that never was a victory to begin with.
By the way this thread is bookmarked for future fun making..lol
@iandizion713 said:
@vfighter said:
@iandizion713: Yeah that Vita failure sure destroyed all the momentum Sony had...Now read that in the most sarcastic voice possible.
Yeah, that Wii U sure did slow 3DS sales. Now tell why you care?
3DS sales are a joke compare to what the DS had sold by this time on its life cycle,by a huge gap,so the wii U sold horrible and the 3DS sold bad as well 60+ millions in 6+ years is a joke on the portable market for nintendo in fact the 3DS is selling inline with the PS3 which is extremely odd,hell i think even a little slower the PS3 sold 70 million in 6 years.
The 3DS has like 67 million in over 6 years.
The DS sold 129 million in 5 years and 6 months...lol
With 7 less months of sales than the 3DS the DS sold double basically of the 3DS.
I know many people give a hard time here to sony because of the PS3,but come on the 3DS is doing even worse than the PS3 did,and the DS sold 152 million units close to the PS2 numbers.
The 3DS is a huge failure by the same standard the PS3 was yet most people don't give nintendo a hard time for it,and is because no matter how bad the 3DS did the wii U is by far the worse performing Nintendo console ever.
@blackace said:
@SolidGame_basic: In terms of sales, they aren't going to catch the PS4. They can increase their sales, but it still won't be enough to catch the PS4. There are just to many Sony fanboys who don't care about the XB1 and aren't going to buy the system. Especially in the foreign countries. Microsoft needs to bring their exclusives back to XB1/Scorpio and forget the PC side. Make new PC exclusives for the PC and keep XB1 franchises on the XBox platform.
I agree with this 100% the xbox should be the house of Halo,Forza Gears and other exclusives,it is a selling point period scorpio look powerful now but not matter what PC will always be more,even more there is an added benefit of PC which is not having to pay for xbox live,which i also think it is highly unfair to loyal xbox fans who have paid for years and help MS.
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