Lets face it, so far Sony is very slowly regaining momentum again with fans. After Gamers day Amazon UK saw a significant spike in PS3 sales immediatley following gamers day. The games they have showed so far are meeting and even EXCEEDING expectations. Games like Uncharted,Warhawk,Lair,Ratchet and clank and heavenly sword ALL Exceeded my expectations. Then you have Home and Little big planet to throw into the mix, and now them releasing warhawk as both a download from the PSN and a In store blu ray purchase which comes with a free bluetooth headset. Last but not least they are winning the Blu ray war, With Disney signing exclusively for blu ray, its a matter of time before HD-DVD will phase out. All sony needs now is a solid $100.00 price cut in time for the holidays and they are back in the game.. Thoughts
And just think, E3 is still around the corner, Right now sony is in a good position, when they Show Killzone it will be lights out for the competition. Then Sony can truly say "You see, we told you next gen doesnt start until we say we do"Â And lemmings you can sit there and say "but teh killzone will FLOPZ" Mark my words and quote me.. Killzone will shock the gaming community when it is shown.. Do you honestly think if this game was going to look bad, they would wait and show it to a worldwide audience at E3?! Trust me, Killzone will be amazing when its shown at E3
oh and lemmings. You better enjoy the PS3 bashing now and making fun of GBA outselling the PS3 because you only have a few months left until the PS3 picks up momentum and really starts selling just as good monthly as the 360.. So go ahead lemmings. GIve me your "But teh GBA outselling PS3" and your "LMAOLOLSKATERS PS3 dipping below 100,000 units sold" Because come september/october it will be a whole different game
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