- For Creativity, Evolution Studios' MotorStorm got a nomination.
- For Visual Arts, both Evolution Studios' MotorStorm and SCEE Studio Liverpool's F1 Championship Edition got nominations.
- Sony itself got nominated for being a "Publishing Hero" which we will assume means they have some kind of special power of publishing. Heroes are cool.
- F1 Championship Edition got mentioned for being among the best in the use of online capabilities.
- Super Rub-a-Dub got a mention for innovation, as well.
So, good job, Sony! Seems you've got a knack for making fun, innovative, and creative racing games. And floating duck games that get universally panned by critics, but secretly enjoyed by some. With these credentials tucked under their belt, will Sony have an equally praised performance at E3 next month? We'll have to wait and see, but don't be surprised if some new games show up as winners in categories much like these.
keep the innovation coming ps3 has the most new ips out of the big 3 so far..
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