Our source at Gamestop has come through for us again, folks. We know how this sounds, but trust us, we have the documents to back it up. Apparently, Sony is currently running a behind-the-scenes contest with Gamestop that is resulting in employees pushing the Sony console on consumers. The contest works as follows.
Sony assigns a target sales number for each Gamestop store. This figure is obtained by using at the average PS3 sales numbers from April of this year, and manipulating it a bit. Then, the store manager in each district that sells the most PS3 units above the Sony assigned goal will be recognized as the winner. The manager who wins is then awarded 20,000 points to use on the Sony/Gamestop rewards website. On top of that, the manager of the number one store in the entire company wins an additional 10,000 points. Since we cannot access the reward site, we cannot tell just how much junk 30,000 points can buy, but we expect it is a decent amount. If anyone has any more info on this program, let us know. In the meantime, you can read it for yourself by clicking the link.
*Update1: We got some more information on the Gamestop point system and what it can buy you, thanks to reader FragNemesis!
Playstation 3 games (and they only offer Sony-published ones, so Motorstorm, Resistance, Genji, and NBA '07 are the only ones currently offered) cost 3450 points to purchase. Since these games are $60, the point/dollar ratio is 57.5 points per dollar. 20k points is almost $350 in games. They do not currently offer the purchase of PS3s on their website.
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