- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy Versus
- Uncharted Drakes Fortune
- Heavenly Sword
- Ratchet and ClankTools of Destruction
- WarHawk
- War Devil
- Infamous
- Gran Turismo 5
- Eight Days
- God of War 3
- Heavy Rain
- Lair
- LittleBigPlanet
- Socom Confrontation
- Socom 4
- Tekken 6
- Afrika
- Getaway
- White Knight Story
- Eyedentify
- Killzone 2
- Fifth Phantom Saga
- Unreal Tourment ( Time Exclusive)
- Haze (Time Exclusive)
- Wipeout
- Gradius
- Possession
- Time Crisis 4
- The Agency
- Echochrome
- The Eye of Judgment
- New Team ICO GAME
- Folklore
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