Infinity Ward SHOULD have Public Beta Tested it.
IW is responsible to regulate their game, not Sony. It's nice that Xbox wanted to get involved, but ultimately, it wasn't required. This is all on IW and ACTIVISION. EPIC's GeoW has a LOT of exploits, and those don't get fixed, so I don't see why this exploit should be treated differently.
If it's in the game, although it sucks, it's the Devs fault.
Anyways, IW is working on a patch due this week or next, so this is all pointless to talk about anyways...as it will be ancient history.
And THIS IS WHY PUBLIC BETA Testing is good folks.
After working on software releases for 12 years, even public betas won't catch everything. Issues that are found are prioritized to be fixed pre-release, or scheduled for subsequent patches and version releases.
Only when that software or service is released into the wild do we really know if a glitch exists. Even for some known issues, only in the wild do we really find out their reach and severity.
I don't think anyone would disagree that the upcoming patch is a good thing.
The issue that I have a problem with is Sony's response to those that abuse the glitch as it currently exists. Even a PR-driven heart-felt plea to stop cheating would be a clear statement that they do not condone cheating. The spin on the Sony rep's quote makes them seem snotty and possibly incompetent. But hey, that's just me. Of course, the idea that this thread has gone on for how-many-pages leads me to believe I'm not alone in this line of thinking.
Actually, in SW length of thread doesn't prove anything but posters hate __________ (name the console here).
Also, you must know that I realize public beta testing doesn't catch everything. I think we all do. HOWEVER, this glitch was found so early after the game launched, that it's more likely to have been discovered in a Beta Testing environ. We'll never know because it wasn't public betatested.
I won't defend a company that won't beta their games about glitches that come out out so soon after launch. This was too fast. I felt the same way when GeoW2 came out, and it was glitch city. It was so bad, I lost my save and rank. I also see people glitch in that game, and I have to wonder, maybe that isn't the glitch, maybe this stuff is okay, since it's so rampant.
As far as responses, ACTIVISION is a very powerful company, who knows how much they put into this affair at all. Remember, ACTIVISION and Sony aren't the best of buds right now (Sony's CEO calling the ACTI CEO out, ACTI asking for PS3 drop, etc.). Then we see on the flip side, A MW2 360 console bundle, past bundles with ACTI"s MUA, etc. Xbox may feel more reponsible, or have a better rapport with ACTI. Who knows.
This will all be fixed either way.
The reporting system on 360 is a plus for those that want to chat about that, sure. That's what this thread is boiling down to, reporting = better from some folks.
Even the PC folks are having this problem.
In terms of whether Activition knew about the glitch or not, or if there are politics involved, the real answer is that we don't know. Would a public beta have caught this? Who knows? Hindsight is 20/20 after all. Besides, this is all just speculation after-the-fact. The net-net of it all is that yes, a patch is in the works. Again, I don't think anyone will argue with the idea that this is a good thing. It definitely is good. On this, we agree.
What I have issue with is Sony's response to it. On the surface, it's a PR gaff. For those that really care about online glitching, it'd be nice to hear Sony say they care about the PSN user experience and are addressing the issue. Instead, we get a shrug and a "meh". Dig a teeny bit deeper and we see chinks in the Sony armor. Cases like this would greatly benefit from a single Sony mouthpiece towing the company line. Xbox Live has the likes of Larry Hryb and for this issue, Stephen Toulouse. For Sony, we get some unnamed rep.
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