No, it not being on the X1 is enough of an edge for Sony. Why spend money when it's not going to make a lick of difference. I doubt it'll cause PC gamers to buy a PS4, they still got a list of similar games with some incoming like Star Citizen, Elite: Dangerous, The Mandate, Eve Online, X3, and whatever else I can't think of. Sure it might suck for some if they're really looking forward to it, and sure some might get a PS4 if it goes exclusive or might just get one regadless, but I don't think making this a PS4 exclusive will do a whole lot for Sony, or the PS4. Besides, I thought cows all had monster rigs to play those Xbox/PC games that weren't on PlayStation consoles, making this exclusive would just limit their options.
It might be worth noting this will only matter to the System Wars crowd, outside this bubble of SW I'm sure many people will see it as a console exclusive if it's not showing up on another competing console.
Anyhow, game looks good, being the best it can be is probably the best thing developers can do to guarantee it's success and the success of whatever platform it's on.
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