We know they have Arkham Knight, MGSV and Battlefront
and then there's rumors of Black Ops 3 and AC:Syndicate marketing deals
what do you think if it's true?
I'd rather they make more games than secure marketing deals but whatever works I guess...
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When they have no games what else is there to do?
add UC4 and no man's sky. that's it.
That how it was for the Xbox 360
MS used to do it all the time. i'm surprised they didn't do much this gen.
They want to market a console that sells itself?
I guess they expect more delays 2016 so they're going to market 3rd party games to make it look like it has games.
lol lets hope they don't have to sell off another division to pay for this exclusivity or another round of layoffs.
@Gaming-Planet: Why are people even bothering with consoles anymore? How naive can people still be that they're buying them at this rate? I just don't understand the promise of consoles anymore. It's already possible to assemble a more powerful rig at more or less the same price point.
Like I said, roles have definitely reversed so far this gen. Sony really have little to no exclusive triple A games for this year so they have to put their money into 3rd party advertisements like CoD if they really do have that and Batman and Destiny Expansion. MS has been there and done that with the lats 2 or 3 years of the 360 but now are shifting gears to create their own 1st party games and will put their money into advertising those the rest of the year.
Thought MS were bad for doing this?
They were only to Sony fanboys, I never saw anything wrong with it at all.
We know they have Arkham Knight, MGSV and Battlefront
and then there's rumors of Black Ops 3 and AC:Syndicate marketing deals
what do you think if it's true?
I'd rather they make more games than secure marketing deals but whatever works I guess...
Well they DOn't HAve Halo, Forza, or Gears for Major games marketing.
Now of course specifying TP's, strong evidence for Fall Out. and that racing game.
<enter in something about lack of games and no mention of WiiU or X1 in the same sentence>
Sony lacks games.
I dont see how they think this sells. People know the games are available on other consoles.
You underestimate the average idiot.
A lot of parents during the holidays won't know you can get those games on more than one consoles, they'll just go by the commercials they see.
@EducatingU_PCMR: stop with this bullshit myth.
Sony already released 2 exclusives this year for AAA games, Bloodborne and the order.
Ms released zero.
Ms will have halo and forza 6 and maybe fable
PS will have until dawn, samurai warriors 4-2, Persona 5, disgaea 5, no man's sky, tear away u folded, Nathan drake collection...
That's 9 games right there exclusives verses the 3 on xbone (4 if u count timed rise of tomb raider)
Stop moving the goal posts lems... just because these aren't fps or driving games doesn't mean they don't count.
Stop lying to the world that the first half of the year doesn't exist, it does (most little kids who would only get games on xmas don't have a $400 console they have wii or last gen or tablets and real gamers don't just buy games in the holidays, unless u are unemployed or still a minor).
Plus anything added at E3 fir this year and maybe tales of zestria.
I dont see how they think this sells. People know the games are available on other consoles.
You underestimate the average idiot.
A lot of parents during the holidays won't know you can get those games on more than one consoles, they'll just go by the commercials they see.
that's crazzzzyyyy
I don't think a marketing campaign consisting of satchels of cash and blow could get me to give an eff about a new blops or AC.
Maybe Sony can give them money to not make the same game again...
I don't get who keeps buying them? 1 a gen is about all i can stomach.
(unless they have pirate ships, I'd buy BLOPS with a pirate ship I suppose :P )
@iambatman7986: read my post above yours ps4 already had 2 exclusives ms had none this year for AAA space. Sony has 7 more announced now already for fall, xbox has 4 (if u count timed tomb raider and if I'm not forgetting something)
Lems need to stop perpetrating the myth... I don't care if someone doesn't like jrpgs or heavy rain style games, they are still games and I will play them.
Could be true, since they have a lot of marketing budget left because they don't have proper exclusives of their own to hype
I dont see how they think this sells. People know the games are available on other consoles.
You underestimate the average idiot.
A lot of parents during the holidays won't know you can get those games on more than one consoles, they'll just go by the commercials they see.
that's crazzzzyyyy
That's why it's never a bad thing to promote and advertise 3rd party games as being only on your console even if it isn't. There's millions of people that don't know any body.
@iambatman7986: read my post above yours ps4 already had 2 exclusives ms had none this year for AAA space. Sony has 7 more announced now already for fall, xbox has 4 (if u count timed tomb raider and if I'm not forgetting something)
Lems need to stop perpetrating the myth... I don't care if someone doesn't like jrpgs or heavy rain style games, they are still games and I will play them.
I'm not disagreeing with you. PS4 does have games and I play them regularly. I don't own Bloodborne yet, but it is my next game on the list to buy. My thing is, I feel like they should be investing in getting some new IP's out and advertising their own games more while letting 3rd parties advertise their own games. Sony releases games without really advertising them which leaves the masses not knowing they exist and making them flops in sales. Look at Puppeteer and Tearaway. No advertising worth mentioning.
BTW, I'm definitely not a Lem, I just criticize them all when they are doing things I don't agree with.
I dont see how they think this sells. People know the games are available on other consoles.
You underestimate the average idiot.
A lot of parents during the holidays won't know you can get those games on more than one consoles, they'll just go by the commercials they see.
that's crazzzzyyyy
That's why it's never a bad thing to promote and advertise 3rd party games as being only on your console even if it isn't. There's millions of people that don't know any body.
I guess, but man seems like you're trying to deceive a little bit.
I dont see how they think this sells. People know the games are available on other consoles.
You'd be surprised. I once had a conversation with a coworker who thought Call of Duty was an xbox exclusive because of the commercials. He wondered how I was playing it without having a 360...
@blue_hazy_basic: well I can't claim to have been selective with creed games... I bought all of them, but after unity, I'm done... That reveal was horrific and chock full of empty promises... Creed is dead.
As for CoD, I just don't get my money's worth... 60 bucks for a 6 hour game of wild gunman isn't exactly a good return on my investment. I just have zero interest in the multiplayer.
It's a good question hazy... My fear is that the generation who gets in line for these yearly updates actually thinks it's normal to beat a dead horse until there's nothing left. Is anyone looking forward anymore?
Ps... Is blops with pirates actually PLOPS?
When they have no games what else is there to do?
1st post nails it.
How can they fill up a 2 hour conference with nothing but indies?
@EducatingU_PCMR: stop with this bullshit myth.
Sony already released 2 exclusives this year for AAA games Bloodborne and the order. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOL
Ms released zero.
Ms will have halo and forza 6 and maybe fable
PS will have until dawn, samurai warriors 4-2 (ADVANCED VERSION OF A MULTIPLAT), Persona 5 (MULTIPLAT), disgaea 5, no man's sky (MULTIPLAT), tear away u folded, Nathan drake collectionï (MULTIPLAT)...
That's 9 games right there exclusives verses the 3 on xbone (4 if u count timed rise of tomb raider)
Stop moving the goal posts lems... just because these aren't fps or driving games doesn't mean they don't count.
<enter in something about lack of games and no mention of WiiU or X1 in the same sentence>
Sony lacks games.
I get it.
@darkangel115: I'd love to see nothing but quality indies, especially when we have a AAA landscape this weak...
I'd rather have a good AAA landscape. honestly if indies disappeared tomorrow, it would be no sweat off my back. They only got big the past t3-4 years or so becuase cows. they have been aorund on PC forever and xbox for over 10 years, nobdy just cared about them. Now that sony is using them to make up for lack of AAA all the cows talk them up. that and the kids who didn't grow up on 8 bit games are getting new experiences. for us older people like me, it's like why would i want to go back in time. might as well trade in my cell phone for a pager, my ipod for a walkman, and my tablet for a set of encyclopedias lol
@darkangel115: I'd rather have great diversity and gameplaycentric games that learn how to use the medium to tell a convincing story... I don't really do labels. I don't want any region of games to disappear, I just want bad games to disappear...
Indie games have been garnering attention because they're being made by incredibly skilled developers who have passion for their work... In no way, shape or form could cows conjure enough intelligence among the lot of them to somehow be responsible for the rise of the indie... If you're gonna do that, hand it to lemmings, because xbox live was the giant of console indie and DD. Cows were trying to convince themselves they needed sixaxis more than rumble when the indie scene was taking off brah. ..
@darkangel115: I'd rather have great diversity and gameplaycentric games that learn how to use the medium to tell a convincing story... I don't really do labels. I don't want any region of games to disappear, I just want bad games to disappear...
Indie games have been garnering attention because they're being made by incredibly skilled developers who have passion for their work... In no way, shape or form could cows conjure enough intelligence among the lot of them to somehow be responsible for the rise of the indie... If you're gonna do that, hand it to lemmings, because xbox live was the giant of console indie and DD. Cows were trying to convince themselves they needed sixaxis more than rumble when the indie scene was taking off brah. ..
except the indie scene wasn't as big yet. yeah XBL brought it to consoles, but it seems lemmings just didn't care. outside of maybe 2 or 3 games (limbo and braid come to mind) people didn't care. now every indie gets hyped up. I could buy the fact that they largely improved and MS and Sony have done a good job of making it easier for them to get on the consoles so that helped, but in the end it's the market. the lack of big AAA games on new consoles left a huge hole for indies to fill, and I'm more then willing to buy the premise that some are actually good and people got a chance to try them now because of the need of games, and liked them. But it just seems like ever since Sony started to get into pushing indies is when they blew up. when they were on PC and Xbox, nobody really cared.
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