This is the PS2 all over again. Those $^$^%&%&^&%*%^ at Sony Just tried to charge me 150 dollars to fix their crappy console because their crappy software update bricked my PS3. And if i cant find my receipt from six months ago i cant get myPS 3 fixed. Microsoft never pulled this crap if you had your serial number they new you were still under warranty.
But becauseSony cant give away their POS3's.They dont know when they were purchased because their falling out the store's front doors because no ones buying them. They should be happy I bought the stupid no game having, over priced piece of (*)&*()&*)! At least Microsoft stepped up to the plate on took care of their customers when their systems went bad. Sony *&%^*& me just like they did when i had 4 PS2's go bad and i had to pay to repair them all. I swear if i cant find this receipt im going to set it on fire, shoot it with my shotgun,throw it under a moving car, and smack it with my sledge hammer. Sony want see another dime from me! If you Paid 600 dollars it should be free like the 360!
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