[QUOTE="HSYOON_1"][QUOTE="bforrester"][QUOTE="HSYOON_1"][QUOTE="cf2012"][QUOTE="dracolich666"] [QUOTE="jimm895"]The biggest problem of not haveing the games is all because the developers are still learning to use the technology in the PS3. This also happened with the PS2 when it was released (although the developers were able to get a handle on things quicker than now). bforrester
hahahahhaha post of the year. Are you seriously so blind?? The hardware is why lair and almost everyother game on the PS3 has flopped? ahahhahaa o man.
I think ur the one thats seriously blind because hes right. thats why EA will now build there game on the ps3 and port it over to 360. Theres been countless articles about the devs not having enough time with the ps3 dev kit. SO OPEN UR EYES!!
wait wait wait.. EA is gonna start developing on the PS3 first now? you mean like this year's football & hockey games. why would EA spend more time and money on a version that has the smallest user-base?
Well, let's see. It doesn't take an aeronautical engineer to figure out that the PS3 will eventually surpass the Xbox 360 in sales at some point this generation. Debate this all you want, but it'll happen. Put this in your sig and smoke it. Anyway, why wouldn't they put more effort into the console that they're currently having difficulty with while they seemingly have the coding for the Xbox figured out?
it doesn't take an aeronautical engineer???? where are you pulling this cystal ball out of? Logic says in order for sony tocatch up the 360 or even surpass it, Sony would have to start selling twice as much every monthand pray that 360 stop selling entirely.
360=11.5M PS3=4.5M. PS3 has been out since November, and it's only sold abour 4.5 million. so if they started to sell TWICE the amount for the next 9 monthes, while the 360 sells ZERO units, they would finally catch up, let alone surpass them in sales.
also add the fact that the only HOPE cows have this yearare R&C and Dude Raider (we all know HS and Lair Flopped) while 360 owners are playing Halo3, Mass Effect, and PGR4. i dont' know. Your telling me that PS3 will surpass 360 when it needs to sell double the amount as the 360 while MS sells ZERO. Please think before you post next time.
and next time you try to sound smart "with aeronautical engineer"use some logic. Sony has a hard battle ahead of them, and their 07 lineup is the weakest of the 4. Lair and HS would have seriously helped, but we all know how that went down.
Just make sure that when it happens, you still have that in your sig to make you feel less intelligent that you obviously believe you are. Considering the Wii sales in Japan are bound to taper off with the pace that which it's selling, the PS3 will pick up big time when the library starts to catch up. You act like the world LOVES the xbox, while it's only selling well in North America. You have a rather narrow view on what comprises the gaming public, as you seem to operate in this vaccuum that is System Wars, dominated by North Americans and their love for the Xbox. While the PS3 has only had a price cut in North America, it is outselling the Xbox, CURRENTLY, worldwide. After Halo, what game franchises does the Xbox have to pick up additional sales after the North American market dries up? Meanwhile, the PS STILL hasn't released a single system seller. Again, your vision of the future is very narrow and very flawed. What's funny is that the PS3 has kept pace with the 360s sales numbers through the same span of it's life, with a $600 price tag and no killer apps, and 2 consoles with which to compete. Meanwhile, the PS2 is STILL outselling the Xbox 360, and has done so every month of the 360s life. Man, you really didn't factor too manyvariables into your equation, did you?
Thanks for trying though. I appreciate a debate, no matter how weak the other side's ability.
Yes i did take other variables into consideration.Most your claims are based on nothing more than speculation. You assume too much, when the real numbers suggest a different trend. Your specualting that once the Wii salesslows down, everyone is gonna go out and buy a PS3. Your speculating that once Halo 3 ships nobody else is gonna buy a 360. Your assumming that once Wii and 360 sales slows down, everyone is gonna go out and buy a PS3? Yeah, sure buddy. :roll: Just save face and admit that Sony dropped the ball with the PS3. They should have dominated this gen, but somehow they are dead last. and No, the world does not love the Xbox brand. in fact most people hate MS as a corp, yet they are doing rather well. and any way you twist it. Sony was late to the party. Sony is lacking killer apps and 11.5M>>>>>4.5M any way you spin it.
And the PS3 may be outselling the 360, but only by a small percentage. in order for them to catch up or even surpass the 360, Sony needs to start selling double the amount while MS sells ZERO. it's simple mathematics.
You say that my vision is narrow and flawed, yet you claim that theWii sales will tapering off and 360s will not sell at all, and somehowwilllead the rest of the gaming public towards the most expensive system. Now, who's logicis narrow and flawed. Just because you love the PS3 does not mean that the rest of the world LOVES it. You make it sound like everyone in the world is in love with Sony. I wonder why they are DEAD LAST?
and resorting to insults such as "Thanks for trying though. I appreciate a debate, no matter how weak the other side's ability." is NOT helping your case. Not everyone has blind faith in Sony pulling through, like you do. and thisWAS a good debate until you started acting superior with your little remarks "aeronatics scientists" crap, while everyone else reading this thread sees what aTOOL you are.Lots oflast-gen cows have finally admitted that the 360 is a good system, while some of them have even converted over from the Sony camp.
Seriously, nice try cow. What's your next post. Just wait till ________ (insert time period)
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