Well PS3 owners it looks like 07 has been pretty bad for you. The price drop was nice but then Sony back stabs you and suddenly the console is $600 again. Your biggest 3 games have flopped, all were hyped AAA, ALL, these games include; Warhawk (yes it scored an 8.5 yet was hyped AAA, stats glitches galore), Heavenly Sword, and that game that will go down in the flop history books....Lair....ugh. Even with a $100 price drop the PS3 still couldn't outsell the 360, and with the 360's recent price drop estimates for 360 sales look to double that of PS3's sold in August. Now to make matters worse the 360 has a current big hit, that being Bio Shock. While HOME looks interesting it looks to be a virtual sim world, yet is set to not be incorporated in games, the same ugly interface will still exist on the console (like having the PSP's interface PS3 owners?). Finally, oh yes finally, the 360 has an upcoming game that will seal its victory for 07, and Sony has no way of countering it, that game of couse is Halo 3, the game of games, a game that could possibly be the best of our time.
Is the PS3 finally worthy to stand besides the Dreamcast, N-gage, and Saturn?
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