Halo 3
Mass Effect
Eternal Sonata
Blue Dragon
Madden 08 at 60 frames
COD4 with the better online and slighty better graphics if history holds true.
399.00 Elite Sku 299.00 Prem sku= HOLIDAY OWNAGE for the 3rd strait year.
Sony's holiday goes like this.
Warhawk a generic shooter
Lair already been delayed for reported massive floppage
Heavenly Sword a button mashing hack and slash = AAat best.
599.00 80gig PS3=
Where are your FACTS??? All I see are fanboy opinions!!!!You call Warhawk a generic shooter? How is a game that involves online teamwork both through the sky and on the ground generic? Sounds like a ton of fun to me!What exactly makes Halo 3 so mind blowing? What the bunny hopping multiplayer? Both UT 3 and CoD 4 willgive Halo 3 a run for gamers $$$this year! Bioshock will be a great game, but nobody will run out to buy a 360 to play it! YOU FAIL!!
Mass Effect, Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata are all RPG's and because of that are not mass market type titles. Not everyone enjoys those types of games. YOU FAIL!!
Infinity Ward has already flat out said that the PS3/360 versions of CoD 4 will look and play identical. What facts do you have to back up your reasoning that CoD 4 multiplayer will be better on 360? YOU FAIL!!!
Unless you have a 360 and a PS3 sitting side by side, the difference of Madden running at 30fps on PS3 and 60 fps on 360 will be virtually undetectable to the masses!!! YOU FAIL!!
Umm, unless you have some info that nobody else does, the 360 SKU's are $429 for the Elite, $349 for Pro and $249 for Core. Again..YOU FAIL!!
Is Lair out yet? It was pulled back for further refinement. The copy that EGM reviewed was not the fianl copy now was it? Its going to be funny when EGM has to re-review Lair and give it 7's, 8's and 9's like everyone else is!!!YOU FAIL!!
Heavenly Sword is incredible!! I can tell that from the short playable demo that we PS3 owners got to play!! Have you played it? YOU FAIL!!
Yes, there is a 80 GB PS3 now for $600 but it also has a game packed in!! Oh and the 60 GB isnt going away just yet either! Im betting Sony has enough of the 60 GB at $499 to make it through the holidays for sure!!! YOU FAIL!!!!
Ratchet and Clank
UT 3
Heavenly Sword
All of this says you FAIL in this thread!!!! Have a nice day!!
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