Sony Computer Entertainment is run by incompetent people.
How come everyone here at Gamespot can see it but they can't? Every facet of their organization reeks of incompetency.
Look at their marketing for example. Cows take it upon themselves to boast Sony's 1st party studios and games because Sony's marketing team doesn't do it themselves. They never advertise their games. They never create a buzz or any excitement, they don't even get the simple message across that the games exist. The PS3 has a laundry list of 1st party exclusive killer apps, but what is the point if no one knows about them? Sure, you guys here at Gamespot forums know about the PS3 1st party studios and games, but that's because you research it, and people talk about them here and you see the discussions. Most gamers in the real world don't research games. I have a bunch of Sony 1st party exclusive games, and I had to research those games myself. I had to take it upon myself, and use my own time to research and discover these games. Sony essentially has all the tools (games) they need to succeed, but they just can't pull the trigger and market them properly.
Who at Sony gave the thumbs up to launch a $600 console? They honestly expected to get by on brand loyalty alone, and didn't think that the price tag would scare away customers? I'm sorry, but I'm confident that even a child could realize that that was a bone headed decision. I remember reading somewhere about some big time Sony executive claiming how they just assumed PS2 owners would move on to the PS3 and not worry about the cost. It's beyond me how these people are in the position they are, they're so out of touch with reality. I bought a PS3 at launch. I like Playstation a lot and even I was second guessing my purchase at one point. I had 1 other friend that bought a PS3 at launch, and no one else that I knew would have even considered it. The 360 was way cheaper, and it had good games out at that point. The PS3 had no games, just a steep price tag, they were trying to get by on the name alone. Not even American consumers are that careless.
What about the leadership in the PSN division? They got hacked and the PSN was down for over a month. Why was the security so shoddy to begin with? I don't know about you, but I'll sure as heck never use my credit card on the PSN again, I use those pre-paid PSN cards. Talk about losing the trust of your consumers and fans. What an embarrassment that was for Sony.
Sony can confidently say that they have failed miserably with the Move. You know dang well there is a special Sony division running the Move operation, and it is pretty obvious to me that they are incompetent. This sort of goes hand in hand with the marketing. The device works well enough, but give me a break, they sure did a horrible job letting people know about it. Microsoft spent 300 million on Kinect advertising. Sony spent practically nothing on their Move marketing. I mean, a lot of the time when it comes to Sony, I ask myself, why even bother? Unless you're going to back up your product and create buzz and excitement about it, why even bother making it? Do they just not have the money to market properly? If they don't, then maybe they should just get out of the gaming business period, because it is annoying watching them fail. It's like strike 1, strike 2, strike 3, oh wait, strike 4? Strike 5? Dang, they sure are allowed a lot of strikes.
I saw those 3D TVs at the store the other day that Sony made, those tiny little 20 something inch ones. I'm assuming that thing is failing, because they were practically giving the things away at Best Buy and Gamestop. First of all, why would anyone even want that thing? 3D TVs that require glasses are old technology anyways, not to mention, who wants to have a small TV like that as their primary gaming TV? 3D TVs are going to be glasses free in the near future, no one is even going to want those 3D TVs that require glasses. This is just an example of a product that should have never been released, this thing is reminiscent of like the Virtual Boy in terms of success. Alright, maybe not that bad.
How do all these big time executives at Sony still have jobs? Why haven't they wiped the slate clean and started anew? That company needs to conduct some major layoffs, because their management and leadership is clearly out of touch with reality.
Then most recently, some hot shot at Sony comes out and says they want their next console to focus less on power and less on gaming, and they want to reach out to females? Lol, Sony, just stop, you're just making me sad now.
Oh how the mighty have fallen......
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