I hacked into sony's servers and emails and logs,files,phone calls and found out all i can about sony
What you are about to read is a top secret plan for sony to rule gaming
In 2006 sony hired bill gates the ceo of microsoft to become an agent to lead to the downfall of microsoft  bill gates quit microsoft later on sony had succeeded in faze 1 of there plan
in 2011 sony sent their double agent Don Mattrick to ruin microsoft it was succsessful and is still going well though zynga was rising after microsoft was in a pool of hate they have now sent don to destroy zynga by being their ceo
Future plans are that microsoft will collapse and then sony and steam will team up to become The ultimate race of consoles With the forces of the pc and the ps4 combine sony and steam's console will be called the SteamStationX and annihalate nintendo sony and steam will then buy all of nintendos popular ips and destroy themÂ
I have to go now the governments after me !
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