ok Sonys has its ass in the fire right now.
With it slow system sells, low attachment rate, and selling ps3's at a lose.
This is extremely bad especially. The playstation is sonys main profit maker and a huge factor in their blu-ray market. When sonys in trouble that they have to take out a loan for a reason I cant remeber. This could mean that if Playstation tanks the whole company will fall.
This holiday seaon's will see a big spike in 360 and wii sales because of halo 3, Super smash brother,a dn many other titles.
The ps3 at most this season has for exclusives is rachet , uncharted, warhawk, and heavenly sword on their side to advertise. Which isnt much compared to the competion.
HOw can they even recover.
and I plan to get a ps3 this holiday so Im not bashing
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