[QUOTE="musicalmac"] I feel that Sony is in trouble, and you're all more than welcome to debate my points. This is SW afterall.Rosencrantz
Technically, Sony has a brighter future now than they have over the past 10 years. I'll explain below.For a while now, the PS3 has been the least expensive high-def media player on the market. That is all about to change when Blu-Ray and HD-DVD players hit the sub-500 and some the sub-300 mark around the 4th quarter of this year. That is bad news for Sony's 600 (US) dollar console.
While HD-DVD will probably be in that price range by the end of this year, I doubt BR will be dropping that low. Right now BR players sell for $1200 (cad). These machines are expensive because of the manufacturing process and the current low demand. While the price will come down slightly, without a high surge in demand, I doubt the price of BR players will drop below $500.
Now, if Sony can produce BR players at that price level, it would most likely mean the cost of making the hardware has also dropped. what does this mean for the PS3? Well, the whole reason the PS3 is so expensive is exactly the same reason BR players are so expensive...the BR hardware. If the price drops for BR players then chances are SOny will be able to drop the price of the PS3 as well. Either way, I think it is a good sign for Sony as they stand to gain significantly more off BR sales and success than the PS3 itself.
Walmart is now officially backing HD-DVD, and that chain happens to be the largest general chain of stores in the world. They will be selling a 300 dollar HD-DVD player, and to the average consumer, that may be reasonable. Not to mention, that HD-DVD push will easily reach the majority of people in most areas.
Well, Walmart is also known for selling crap. SO I don't know if Walmart backing HD-DVD is a sign that the general consumer will love it. It may get them interested, but the fact remains that BR is in the lead right now and is gaining every week. BR simply has much more support and EXCLUSIVE support from three major companies. HD-DVD only has exclusive support from one company.
So not only do MORE movies come out for BR every week, but chances are if you don't go with BR you are more likely to miss out on a major title you may be wanting. If people see that the movies they want are exlusive to BR, they may see the much cheaper price of the HD-DVD as a negative or a sign that the machine is not successful and therefore on "clearance."
Sony isn't known for implimenting all their technologies succesfully. Beta anybody? Memory Stick didn't exactly take off. Will Blu-Ray follow the same path?
We've all heard the BETA thing...but let's be perfectly honest and fair here. Let's stop bashing SOny for trying new things when they don't work. If we treated every corporation the way we treated SOny, then MS would have died a decade ago. MS fails at like %90 of the things they do...fails miserably. Yet we never heard people question their new products. Instead we hear "windows anybody?" We don't hear people bashing the I-pod because apple has been unable to see massive mainstream success with their computers. Yet no matter if Sony succeeds with TVs, consoles or other items (in the past anyway) then we still here what you have said. It is stupid to punish a company for trying to bring new things to the consumer.
Sony already loses quite a bit on every console they sell. I'm afraid they're looking at losses on a whole new scale now.
The reason I say Sony is in a healthier position than in the past is because when the PS1 was coming out, SOny was starting to see problems with all their TV and electronics sales. When the PS2 came out, SOny essentially was relying exlcusively on PS2 profits to make up for the losses the rest of the company was seeing. However, now Sony has restructured, fixed their management, and is once again seeing success in their past areas. Sony as a company is healthier than they have been in a while. The only difference is that while the company as a whole is getting their crap together, now the PS3 is the money loser.
Frankly, I believe that Sony as a company has a better future with their wide range of products doing well as opposed to relying on one single product to pull the company through. It's not the perfect situation right now, but it's not a "troubling future" if you ask me.
I will also remind you to not believe the myths spread through the videogame world. While the PS3 is most certainly losing money for SOny (roughly the same as the 360 loses for MS but with smaller sales...so most likely more loss per console than MS), the PS1 and PS2 both made Sony money practically from day one. If anything is going to hurt the future of the PS3, it won't be the price or SOny's push for BR...it will be their switch to what I see as an unsustainable and unrealistic business practice. Make no mistake, losing money on every console sold if a new phenomenon and it has not once proven to make a profit. I won't go into the details, since people are more willing to believe the myth than the borign facts. I will say that Sony bought into the hype of this ridiculous console "razor blade" theory and it will end up hurting them in the long run. Even moreso than the price of the console itself.
To stay competitive, they may be forced to drop the price of the PS3. You can argue until you're blue in the face, but the PS3 is not flying off the shelves like the Wii.
The PS3 will probably never fly off the shelves like the wii. It's like comparing console sales to DS sales. You just can't compare the two. Hell, I have a wii specifically because I knew what it would offer and it was cheaper to buy a Wii and two games than it was to get a 360 with 0 games and no tax. The real 360 that is.
You are right that a price war could cripple the PS3. But that is really on MS to decide. They are losing a bundle on the 360 as well. However, MS is in a good spot right now where they really don't have to drop their price. they won't ever compete with Wii sales and not even a PS3 price drop today could compete with the 360 library or price. So MS is in a comfortable position that nothing will change until SOny gets a much bigger library.
Everybody! Take a close look at this- this is a real, thought out position on the points I made. I appreciate this post on so many levels. This is what I mean when I say debate!!
A price war COULD cripple the PS3, but at the same time, HD-DVD is going to need more backing to be truly succesful. However, you must keep in mind that the superior technology doesn't always succeed. I'm not going to start claiming one hi-def format is better than the next, but Beta WAS better than VHS, but it lost the war.
I nope that a whole NEW format will win this war, or that companies won't develop purly Blu-Ray or HD-DVD players, and make a hybrid player that plays ANYTHING. There are other medias on the horizon that are far superior to both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, and far less expensive, too ;)
Google is your friend on this one.
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