When I first read the thread title, I thought the TC would surely compare GeOW2 to uncharted and post up some screenshot comparisons. But no, I read a opinonated rant about GeOW2 vs MGS4, two games that doesnt even come close to being comparible in the graphics department since they each go for their individual styles (can you even compare realism vs fantasy rendering?)
I keep reading and pauses at the parts where he mentions that Gears 2 looks ugly...but its still one of the best looking games out there... pretty contridictory things to say and where he ask for non fan-boyism comments to back him up is the biggest contridiction of all. Everyone of his seemingly self paradoxical remarks really symbolizes that contridictory remark at the end, hes really just a fanboy masking under the pretense of seeking non fanboyism support.
If you claimed that you have played through the original gears and gears 2 and still say that theres no improvement.. you're probably the biggest sony fanboy out there. You're also probably blind too for not noticing all the intricate and obvious additions Gears 2 added.
+Obvious color palate revamp
+Light vs dark focused levels shows off improved dynamic lighting, which is also omnipresent in all levels
+Heightened 3d perspective, Character models stand apart from the environment, distance Landscape stand apart from closer landscape due to improved shadowing
+Obviously bigger environment, obviously diversified environments
+smaller intricacies such as gun nozzle turning red, bleed still squirting from dismembered limbs, improved bullet and decal effects, etc.
If you're still complaining that Gears 2 didnt improve, you probably didnt like gears graphics in the first place, because the basic fantasy-ism anime style of Gears sure didnt change.
Bottom line, this entire post probably just says the following sentence: I didnt like gears graphics in the first place and i obviously like MGS4 graphics better. Readers should see the indicament of what Im saying by me stating the obviously blindness to Gears 2 improvements which in the end only points to me not liking Gears in the first place.
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