-Halo 2 broke records. $125 million dollars on it's first day. No game, movie, or album is not even close to that. It's very popular.
-Midnight launch! All over the country stores are doing this. There are only 1 or 2 other franchies that actually is big enough to have midnight launches.
-Great Story! Earth is on the edge of extinction from a superior alien race. Due to religious reasons they want to destroy us and believe we have no right to live. Scientist engineered super soliders to fight this threat. You play as Spartan 117 the Master Chief. You are the last of these Super Soldiers and are earths last hope to survive. Escaping an attack you warp into hyper space to luckily find the aliens (covenant) religious placed called a Halo. It's a big alien made planet that is actually a super weapon that can kill everything in the galaxy. It was built to stop an ancient known parasite called the "flood." The Forerunners are the names of these long lost ancient aliens who had this superb technology but vanished. It's beleived these Forerunners used the halo before to kill the flood but ended up killing themselves in the same shot. Some how the flood escaped. The covenant want to fire this halo believing it will bring them to the holy land. They don't realize that it destory's all life in the universe. It's up to master chief to stop this from happening and stop the flood from infecting the galaxy.
Thats the basis for halo and I can't wait to Finish the Fight with the master chief and 3 friends Next week.
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