world wide sales: PSP: 24.7 million
world wide sales: DS: 36.8 million
Yes......DS sales lead PSP sales, by 50% (about) of the PSP sales. But the PSP has been the 1st handheld which was able to successfully compete with nintendo in the hand-held game. Now....I'm guessing that the DS number will grow with the release of pokemon diamond/pearl. But the PSP has given nintendo 1 hell of a run, and still is. Sony still has some PSP killer apps to god of war for the PSP, among others.
I really think that sony is the best game company....Im no cow, in fact I own a 360 ( all fairness I am selling it, and getting a PS3 for my birthday in may-july[depending on when we celebrate].
PS1 was sony's 1st console, and their 1st time in the console business. It was nintendo's 3rd. And it was sega's 5th. BAM, sony comes in and kicks their asses in sales.
Dreamcast sales: 10.6 million
N64 sales: 32.93 million
PS1 sales: 102.49 million.....and the 1st console ever to reach over 100 million units sold. About 3x the N64 sales. And about 9.66x better than the dreamcast sales.
the "newb" sony just swoops in and kicks everyone's ass. Gran Turismo on the PS1 was the 10th ranked, most sold game in history......selling 11 million copies (rounded).
And now we have the PSP.....everyone else has fallen before nintendo's sword in the hand-held may have not won (and isn't going to by this trend) the war......but did amazing for the 1st time. the PSP has about 66-67% of the DS one has ever been that close to nintendo before.
I really think that sony does know what they are doing. Yes....they may have had some bad PR....made some mistakes....could have done this better....but I really think that sony will be able to turn the tables on everyone, and come out the winner this gen.
They've built up their 1st party titles to make it very strong. They also have some companies.....which aren't 1st party.....but won't release their games on any other console, such as insomniac, level 5, atlus, and suckerpunch. Their 3rd party support may have taken some beatings recently.....but I believe it will return once the PS3 starts picking up steam.
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