[QUOTE="insanejedi"] The Conduit will flop hard, both from a critical stand point and a sales stand point.
A: If anyone has another system they can defenatly find better graphics and gameplay even.
Exactly - IF. Not everyone can afford multiple systems, and not everyone likes the same games. We dont know enough about the gameplay at the moment. But at least High Voltage are trying to give the few hardcore gamers that have a Wii what they have been asking for - a game that actually pushes the hardware. The voice chat is something else ive seen people on the Wii forums moan about, which we now have. Yet, shock horror, people STILL are not happy? Your average hardcore gamer really - they cry and cry about something being missing and when they get it they still arent happy. If Nintendo announced optional HD support tomorrow or a hard drive then people would still complain.
How many people though exclusively own a wii that are not the casual fans who are only playing Wii Sports and Wii Fit? Dont kid your self, the Conduit is a game that appeals to the Hardcore and the Hardcore usually owns more than one console, so logically why would you ever buy this game?
B:High Voltage has a bad track record of shooters and action games, last game was Americas Army True Soilders, and they also do the Tom Clancy Ports for PSP which look good but dont play very well.
They had a back track record because of publishers. They would be doing well and a publisher would start interfering. Thats why they held off on a publisher and will continue to do so until its closer to release.
What proof do you have of this? And all of their other games have been dirived from multiple publishers. Capcom, 2K, Activision, Vivendi (when they were seperate), Midway, Interplay, Atari. Yet they all haven't been great games.
C:Short development cycle and low budget. Certainly not deciding outcomes of a bad game but are factors that dont tilt it in it's favor.
Well, youve already admitted that low budget is not definitely gonna hinder it. Sometimes as well you get high budget games with high production values like Lair that are just awful.
No It will hinder it but it wont be a defnitive symptom of a bad game. A high budget helps the chances of a game being good while a low budget makes the chances low.
D: it looks bad to be honost. The Wii is slightly stronger than the original Xbox yet the original Xbox games certainly look better than this.
It doesnt look bad though. It looks good. It just doesnt look like a 360 or PS3 game. You also have to take the framerate into consideration. They still have to try and balance the framerate with the visuals. They could make it look better than an xbox game, but it could give them trouble with the framerate.
Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox? That looked fantastic and still had a good framerate, even today it looks like an early Xbox360 game.
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