Don't get me wrong, but watching the video preview and the trailer for 2 of the dimensions, I get the feeling Activision is trying to capitalize on Batman: Arkham Asylum's success by rebooting Spiderman in a similar fashion. The game looks like it has a chance at being good, but I noticed a few similarities. The stealth, the pooling of actual comic book writers to write a story true to the backstory and previous Spiderman comics. Plus the fact that they're trying to be true to the lore of the series.
Maybe I'm wrong here, but I don't recall anybody going that deep for any other superhero game other than Arkham Asylum and definitely not in a previous Spiderman title. X-Men: Origins Wolverine centered around the movie, the Ultimate Alliance games were more focused on combat and multiplayer, and the Iron Man games have been a straight cash-in on movies and cartoons.
I'm just saying, everybody here knows how Activision is. It wouldn't surprise me if they saw the success of AA and how Rocksteady made it and said, "So THAT'S the formula!" and immediately told the devs to get working on it. The game looks decent, but I've never been a huge Spiderman fan like I am a Batman fan. Hopefully the game isn't an attempted cash-in on Acti's part (fat chance) and is actually good.
So what do you guys think? Agree? Disagree?
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