LOS ANGELES –- Speaking through a translator, Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase explained the company's plans to bring the game to the Xbox 360 as an effort to "bring as much fun to as many people as possible."
More pragmatically, he also mentioned that the change in the title's PlayStation 3 exclusivity was necessary due to "market situation for the Xbox 360 in the U.S. and Europe."
Square Enix claims the game is still far too early in development to reveal (or even speculate at) a release date, though the company did reveal their current work schedule: First, the company will finish the Japanese PlayStation 3 version, which will then be localized for North America and Europe.
Once that's completed, work will begin on the Xbox 360 version.
Though that would seemingly indicate a delayed release for the newly-announced port, Kitase emphasized Square Enix's efforts to release the different versions nearly simultaneously.
"As for the timing between the U.S. and Europe, we will try to make it as close as possible. We'll try to expedite localization," he said.
Unfortunately, Square was unable to reveal how the storage disparity between the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3's game discs would be dealt with.
He stressed the company's goal to keep the two versions as similar as possible, however, saying "the content will be the same, though the format might be different."
Still early? What have they been doing? Working on the CGI trailer?
So they are going to delay the EU/NA PS3 version? Someone needs to call square enix and make them clarify this.
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