[QUOTE="ThugKing6669"][QUOTE="micky4889"][QUOTE="UT_Wrestler"] [QUOTE="Gamersince81"]You still have to buy a PS3 for FF13 Versus and MGS4!!! If you want M.A.G you must have a PS3!! Have a nice day!!micky4889
How long will it be before versus is also ported to the 360? And it wouldn't be the first time mgs got ported to the xbox.
Oh and how did MGS2 sell on the xbox??
Metal Gear Solid 2 was the worst MGS ever made. Second off it came out on Xbox a while after it came out on PS2 so all the hype for it was dead, and many had already either played the game or heard enough about it to know it wasn't worth their time. Had something like MGS Twin Snakes or another similar MGS that was souped up graphically, than I think it would have done better.
So if MGS4 would sell loads on the 360 despite it being on the ps3 for already
your logic is stupid
1) although MGS2 isnt near as good as MGS4 it was still a 9.7 and one of the best games last gen
2) When it came out on the xbox the xbox had more units out then the 360 has out at the moment
3)Pretty much everyone who wanted to play MGS4 has already done so
Its like bioshock coming to PS3
Do you think bioshock ps3 is going to get close to the amount that its 360 counterpart sold? NO why? because everyone who wanted to play it has done so same rules will applys to MGS4
While I appreciate you attacking me like that I would have to disagree with you.
1. Ratings don't mean everything. I know fanboys eat up ratings to claim the ownage, but by that logic, your saying if a Britney Spears album got a high rating it would mean it's awesome. As for being one of the best games last gen, no it wasn't. The demo was awesome, the game itself no.
2. And last gen everyone bought more systems than what has been bought last gen. Believe it or not there are still a lot of people who haven't jumped on the next-gen bandwagon yet, especially with the PS2 still doing so well. So yes sales would have been higher at that point.
3. I'll give you that one, it is most likely that people bought the system just to play that game. However that dosen't mean everyone who wanted to play it has.
4. No I don't think Bioshock will sell as high as it did on Xbox 360. But then again were talking about a game that's been on 360 and PC for a while now. While not everyone may have a PS3 and a 360, damn near everyone has a system and a PC.
5. What most people on system wars don't seem to understand (not saying you), is that there is a general amount of gamer's who don't pay much attention to gaming news, and don't care about system wars and all that crap. They just want to play games. So they walk into their game store of choice and see Metal Gear Solid 4 for the 360, and they buy it.
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