Smash brothers from the get go has been nothing but great. I have not met one person in real life who can honestly tell me that they dont enjoy a good game of smash brothers (Melee or 64).
Now what i would like to explain to you is why a game like SSBM was so amazing.
First off the wow factor as i like to call it. i do in fact play world of warcraft, I have 1 70 and a few 50's and many 30ish charecters.It is about a combined gameplay time of about 74 days. Now their are many ways to say 74 days, 2 months and 2 days, or for a pretty shocking number 1776 hours.
Now this isnt about braging how much of my life i through at VG's it's more to show you on what your missing out on if you miss Brawl. As Brawl will have roughly 2 to 3 times the content Melee has in it i can only assume I will be able to play it far more into the future.
Lets go back to that number though 1776 hours I have logged into WOW, now it may come to a suprise to you that not all 1776 hours of that playing was what I would call fun, but i did it anyway, so thats that. Every single time I play melee I enjoy it like some of them old school SNES games, or hell even some very good PS1 games like MGS and Xenogears. Here is where I shall convince you that not only is Super smash bros a must have game for any sane gamer, or hell even a casual.
Since realese date I have 2237 hours logged into SSBM, this is far more playtime then you get for your average offline game for 60$, not only that it probably is my most played game ever. Key-word being offline, as SSBB has online and am pretty sure I will die a happy man playing it.
So fellow SSBM players go to your archives and look up your total play time! Post it here. Don't let people you think you hate miss out on this game, games like this dont come very often, and the way things are going with this 6 hours single player game BS, I dont know if there ever will be another game like it!
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