We all know Super Smash Brothers Brawl is a game that's going to last you a while. But how long exactly? Let's look at what's been announced so far. Keep in mind, there is still a lot more to be shown.
Main Battling Mode
Well, this is pretty self-explanatory and you know this is gonna last you a while. Battling by yourself against the computers and of course battling against your friends and family. This mode provides endless fun. On top of that, you will have to unlock all the characters, of course.
Wi-Fi Mode
Can't find a friend to play with? Now you can play with your friends around the world through Wi-Fi.
Even with friend codes and no voice chat, this mode can supply you with many hours of fun! And even better, Sakurai gave us this little nugget of information "We're planning a number of services that make use of Wi-Fi, but we'll reveal them gradually with the other modes. Enjoy."
Why must you tease us so Sakurai? DLC and WiiConnect 24, perhaps?
And don't worry, you won't be bored when trying to find players... BECAUSE YOU GET TO BEAT UP A PUNCHING BAG! [OMGYESGAMEOFTHECENTURY!]
That poor punching bag can never catch a break...
But of course... Brawl isn't all multiplayer is it? Well, of course not... there is the...
Single Player Mode
Single player mode is, of course, back!
And now it's better than ever. Hey, I wonder what those coins mean? Apparently, Sakurai says you don't use them to shop. What else could you use them for. :?
But now, Brawl doesn't only feature the standard single player mode, but it also includes...
Adventure Mode
A couple of months ago, Sakurai announced the new adventure mode which would be a side-scrolling adventure called "The Subspace Emmisary".
Not only will this mode be a full, robust side-scrolling adventure, Sakurai also says that it will feature character development. There's no telling how long this mode will be, but it will feature man levels and Sakurai calls it "robust". And today was announced the...
Team Play (Co-Op Adventure Mode)
Now, not only can you team up with your friends competitively, but you can also work cooperatively.
"Basically, it is the same as a standard Smash brawl, so if you take damage and get knocked off the screen, you lose a life.
However, this mode features a space jump that allows Player 2 to return to where Player 1 is even after getting left off the screen.
If Player 2 gets separated from Player 1 by the screen scroll, he or she will quickly space jump back to Player 1's side. But, if Player 2 gets knocked off the screen by an enemy, that counts as a lost life."
Events are back from Super Smash Brothers Melee. Events are set up as certain situations which you must fight through. You can select from three difficulty settings for each event.
More Co-Op Modes
You can now events with your friend! Want more? You can also play target mode with them. This is a great way to have fun with your friend, without competing with them, as they might not be on the same level of skill as you.
Coin Battle Mode
Coin battle makes a return from Melee. Beat up an opponent to earn their cash... just like in real life! The players with the most money at the end of the match wins.
Tournament Mode
It's no secret - Smash brothers has entered the tournament scene. Now Sakurai has included the 'Tourney Mode'. It includes 'obust tourney-generating functions'!
Whether you play professionally, or just with a bunch of friends - I'm sure you can enjoy this mode. :)
My Music
With My Music, not only can you listen to the fabulous soundtrack by thirty-six competent composers, you can also edit what songs will play on each level! The soundtrack already sounds AMAZING. You can clearly see an arrow on the screens meaning that most levels will have atleast more than four songs.
I'm going to spend many hours just going through these songs on the background. You even unlock songs in the game through collectable disks.
Some of my favorites so far:
Pokémon: Pokémon Stadium/Evolution
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Medley
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: Main Theme
Spectator Mode
Finally, we get word on a spectator mode! If you don't know what it is, this new mode enables you to watch other battles without having to play.
At any time, you can watch a random match! That's pretty cool. You know what's even better? Before going into watching the match, you get to bet on who you think will win. You bet coins and you can win some cool prizes.
Unlockables (Trophies, Stickers, Maybe MORE!?!?!)
Trophies make a welcomed return to Brawl from Melee! If Melee is anything to go by, there is going to be... A LOT! And they seem to be even more features now.
And now, stickers are being introduced. Apparently, they are a lot easier to collect than trophies. Personally, I don't see the point except for maybe for the few minutes you might spend making a funny picture.
Home-Run Contest
It's back, and it's biger and better than ever! :)
Seriously, what kind of game allows you to beat up a punching back with a friend through Wi-Fi.
Send Screenshots To Your Friends
Now, not only can you take screenshots in Melee, but you can also save them on an SD card or your Wii itself. But that's not even the best part.
You an even send them to your friends! :D Get ready for some funny pictures.
Wait, but what's blurred out? Looks like we'll have to find out later. Sakurai has revealed that the mysterious pink button is actually the 'Submit' button. You can submit your images to Nintendo, although it hasn't been revealed what this means. [Online image galler, daily photos are a possibility]
Target Mode
Target mode is back! This time it includes five outdoor locals. Fan of time trials and targets of the last games will obviously love this.
Video Capture Mode
Want to show your friends how much you own?
Well now you can! And the best thing is... you can do it directly through the Wii with three minute replays. You can also send the files to your friends, straight from the Wii. How cool is that?
Stage Builder
No... it can't be... can it? I have dreamed of this feature in this game for so long... and now it's actually here?
In SSBB, you can actually MAKE your own stage. You get to totally customize it including the music that plays on the stage. Can it get any better?
Well actually, it can.
You can now send stages straight to your friends. Wow, that's amazing. But that's not all!
See that 'Submit' button? You can send your stage to Nintendo! Everyday, Nintendo will update your Wii with a new screenshot and stage every single day. Don't worry about size, because the stage clears at the end of the day.
Sonic and Snake
Umm... yeah... sorry, but these guys are way too awesome not to be included in this thread. :)
This is the first time 3rd party characters have ever been included in Smash Brothers. Even if you don't like these characters (come on... you gotta like at least one of them) you should still be excited for this. I know I'll have to play with these characters. How often do you get to put Mario in choke holds?
And there is much more to be seen and still much more to be announced!
Not even mentioning all the exploring and tricks to figure out. You can play around and master all the control types too! This game has so much content - it's epic!
This thread took me a while, I hope you like it. Now I know how Willy must feel. Too bad I can't think of cool catchphrases.
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