Console version of STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl leaked online
Also footage of console version.
STALKER 1 definitely best FPS ever made. but I cant imagine playing it with controller.
Also footage of console version.
STALKER 1 definitely best FPS ever made. but I cant imagine playing it with controller.
I need to go back and replay STALKER, need a good FPS to play, bonus points if it's immersive.
Any mods to try out?
*Or rather, any mods I should try out?
This is a rough experience to bring up to modern platforms and I'm really curious how they will make the control scheme work on controller cause it was a lot even for keyboard and mouse. Not the most friendly game to get into either. Installed it numerous times trying to get into it but I always crap out around the same point. Honestly would love a remake instead of a straight port like this.
looking at thread majority people hating STALKER 1.
then wonder why complain about gaming industry and why developers cant make once in a life time masterpiece like STALKER 1 was.
looking at thread majority people hating STALKER 1.
then wonder why complain about gaming industry and why developers cant make once in a life time masterpiece like STALKER 1 was.
You are not fooling anybody. It is not even close to a masterpiece and I doubt there are many developers at all that hold the game in such a high regard that they would strive to replicate it. It is a flawed and niche game. Hopefully STALKER 2 is good and the old developers have learned lessons over the years and together with the new blood make a good game.
looking at thread majority people hating STALKER 1.
then wonder why complain about gaming industry and why developers cant make once in a life time masterpiece like STALKER 1 was.
You are not fooling anybody. It is not even close to a masterpiece and I doubt there are many developers at all that hold the game in such a high regard that they would strive to replicate it. It is a flawed and niche game. Hopefully STALKER 2 is good and the old developers have learned lessons over the years and together with the new blood make a good game.
STALKER 2 will be good. but it wont be as good as STALKER 1 was.
looking at thread majority people hating STALKER 1.
then wonder why complain about gaming industry and why developers cant make once in a life time masterpiece like STALKER 1 was.
You are not fooling anybody. It is not even close to a masterpiece and I doubt there are many developers at all that hold the game in such a high regard that they would strive to replicate it. It is a flawed and niche game. Hopefully STALKER 2 is good and the old developers have learned lessons over the years and together with the new blood make a good game.
STALKER 2 will be good. but it wont be as good as STALKER 1 was.
Maybe for you because you have this nostalgia and boner for the game, but it will probably be better than the original for the majority of people. I am not a huge fan of the original, but STALKER 2 does look good though and I am looking forward to it. Mind you, I was pretty excited for the original when I first saw the Oblivion Lost trailer, but then I was less impressed with the full game.
looking at thread majority people hating STALKER 1.
then wonder why complain about gaming industry and why developers cant make once in a life time masterpiece like STALKER 1 was.
You are not fooling anybody. It is not even close to a masterpiece and I doubt there are many developers at all that hold the game in such a high regard that would strive to replicate it. It is a flawed and niche game. Hopefully STALKER 2 is good and the old developers have learned lessons over the years and together with the new blood make a good game.
While I’d agree that the original games leave something to be desired on various fronts, I completely disagree…..the core of STALKER’s design philosophy is exemplary of brilliant game design and it is a masterpiece.
STALKER is one of the only games I can think of that doesn’t cater and conform itself around the player, and doesn’t concern itself with their progression. Instead it creates a world (the Zone) that exists independent and is apathetic and hostile towards them, and in treating the player as as irrelevant and vulnerable as a rabid dog or any other random NPC, levels the playing field to one of the most engrossing and immersive gaming experiences available (this is why I hold out very little hope for the sequel given today’s player-centric, power-fantasy market). I can understand why many don’t hold STALKER in high regard…..they’ve probably only played the original vanillas, and more than likely gave up on it early as the early game seriously blows. It does take mods to bring it up to its fullest potential (a valid criticism), but that fact doesn’t diminish the core strength of STALKER’s design philosophy. That it still has a passionate modding community around it today evidences this enough.
If anything, I’m praying the new developers have taken and heeded lessons from the old ones, but I’m not holding my breath.
looking at thread majority people hating STALKER 1.
then wonder why complain about gaming industry and why developers cant make once in a life time masterpiece like STALKER 1 was.
You are not fooling anybody. It is not even close to a masterpiece and I doubt there are many developers at all that hold the game in such a high regard that would strive to replicate it. It is a flawed and niche game. Hopefully STALKER 2 is good and the old developers have learned lessons over the years and together with the new blood make a good game.
While I’d agree that the original games leave something to be desired on various fronts, I completely disagree…..the core of STALKER’s design philosophy is exemplary of brilliant game design and it is a masterpiece.
STALKER is one of the only games I can think of that doesn’t cater and conform itself around the player, and doesn’t concern itself with their progression. Instead it creates a world (the Zone) that exists independent and is apathetic and hostile towards them, and in treating the player as as irrelevant and vulnerable as a rabid dog or any other random NPC, levels the playing field to one of the most engrossing and immersive gaming experiences available (this is why I hold out very little hope for the sequel given today’s player-centric, power-fantasy market). I can understand why many don’t hold STALKER in high regard…..they’ve probably only played the original vanillas, and more than likely gave up on it early as the early game seriously blows. It does take mods to bring it up to its fullest potential (a valid criticism), but that fact doesn’t diminish the core strength of STALKER’s design philosophy. That it still has a passionate modding community around it today evidences this enough.
If anything, I’m praying the new developers have taken and heeded lessons from the old ones, but I’m not holding my breath.
The thing is console community bash STALKER 1 for being ancient.
then praise even more ancient and unplayable overrated games like original RE2 (remake better), original FF7 (remake better) and bunch of other old console games which had bad camera and controls.
@ghosts4ever: I replayed STALKER with the Complete mod a few years ago. No doubt it makes the game better, but it is still dated and flawed. Like I said in the other thread.... Poor presentation and story, poor performance, buggy, janky, frequent loading/transition screens, half-ass missions, boring faction system and text reading, tedious inventory management, decent gunplay, and a few areas with good atmosphere. It is not that good of a game.
I think the sequel is on lock for GP so this one should hit GP as well.
If it's free, it's me. ;o
Yeah, yeah, gotcha, I know it's not free. lol :P
If it comes to gamepass I'll bite. I know it's a cult classic, and I love both the Roadside Picnic book and the Stalker movie, but I ended up never playing the game.
While I’d agree that the original games leave something to be desired on various fronts, I completely disagree…..the core of STALKER’s design philosophy is exemplary of brilliant game design and it is a masterpiece.
STALKER is one of the only games I can think of that doesn’t cater and conform itself around the player, and doesn’t concern itself with their progression. Instead it creates a world (the Zone) that exists independent and is apathetic and hostile towards them, and in treating the player as as irrelevant and vulnerable as a rabid dog or any other random NPC, levels the playing field to one of the most engrossing and immersive gaming experiences available (this is why I hold out very little hope for the sequel given today’s player-centric, power-fantasy market). I can understand why many don’t hold STALKER in high regard…..they’ve probably only played the original vanillas, and more than likely gave up on it early as the early game seriously blows. It does take mods to bring it up to its fullest potential (a valid criticism), but that fact doesn’t diminish the core strength of STALKER’s design philosophy. That it still has a passionate modding community around it today evidences this enough.
If anything, I’m praying the new developers have taken and heeded lessons from the old ones, but I’m not holding my breath.
The thing is console community bash STALKER 1 for being ancient.
then praise even more ancient and unplayable overrated games like original RE2 (remake better), original FF7 (remake better) and bunch of other old console games which had bad camera and controls.
What they do is bash the game on specifics, typically resorting to ancient mods (Complete is OLD…..from 2012). Shit, it’s not even Anomaly, which is the very basic baseline that all mods are built upon now, and have been, for years. I don’t even think Complete is using 64 bit architecture, and playing on 32 bits is a nightmare with these games. Try GAMMA, or EFP.
But specific criticisms miss the point of the whole. I‘d like to hear of a game more emergent and dynamic in its gameplay than STALKER is. One that doesn’t care about the player. Endless replayability.
I need to go back and replay STALKER, need a good FPS to play, bonus points if it's immersive.
Any mods to try out?
*Or rather, any mods I should try out?
I would suggest the Misery mod with Stalker Call of Pripyat. There may be a better mod that replaces the Misery mod, but that's one I enjoyed back in the day.
Also, unless you want a rough time, do the non-hardcore mode of the mod. Hardcore mode limits your carry weight by a ton and it takes forever to get anywhere.
Wtf kind of a lazy ass port is this? There is zero visual improvements of a game that was released over 10 years ago. Who does that?
You will find it is not that good and still has a lot of flaws, especially with how dated it is now. Highly overrated by fanboys.
Yes !!! i played it several years ago ... is not bad by any means and it did a few good things ... but the mods saved that game, i bet many of those fanboys don't even remember how dated vanilla Stalker 1 feels.
Wtf kind of a lazy ass port is this? There is zero visual improvements of a game that was released over 10 years ago. Who does that?
They are not remastering it. simply putting old PC game into console. ala Doom 64 put to PC.
GSC does not need to remaster their games to charge money. they have bunch of free mods.
Wtf kind of a lazy ass port is this? There is zero visual improvements of a game that was released over 10 years ago. Who does that?
They are not remastering it. simply putting old PC game into console. ala Doom 64 put to PC.
GSC does not need to remaster their games to charge money. they have bunch of free mods.
So the laziest thing you can do? Is this made by Nintendo by any chance?
I will play this game, just because ghosts made 10,000 threads about stalker. Last time I played it, crysis was way better. Lets see how it holds up in 2022. Gamepass though.
looking at the trailer, the AI is trash and the graphics even worse. Not impressed at all.
Stalker gunplay , ai , graphics , voiceacting , story sucks. Only good thing about it is atmosphere. Even Half Life 2 beats it in atmosphere.
Stalker gunplay , ai , graphics , voiceacting , story sucks. Only good thing about it is atmosphere. Even Half Life 2 beats it in atmosphere.
but console gamers will loose their minds when STALKER 2 will release despite it will be inferior to STALKER 1 except graphics.
@MirkoS77: The thing is... I didn't find the world, NPCs, and objectives all that interesting in STALKER. I get more immersed in a game like Skyrim where there is much more going on and the NPC's live their own lives. Also, none of the NPCs in STALKER have taken an arrow to the knee. So, you have to take off some points for that alone. LOL
@mrbojangles25: 'I need to go back and replay STALKER'
I recently purchased Stalker on Steam and couldn't get past the first hour. Definitely needs a remaster.
And to think I remember being on this forum during Stalkers launch with everyone drooling over its graphics in screenshots while comparing it to Crysis and Doom 3. Boy how time flies.
@ghosts4ever: Stalker and Metro are average buggy games.Playable best with mods. Don't think console gamers are gonna miss Stalker 2 much.
@MirkoS77: The thing is... I didn't find the world, NPCs, and objectives all that interesting in STALKER. I get more immersed in a game like Skyrim where there is much more going on and the NPC's live their own lives. Also, none of the NPCs in STALKER have taken an arrow to the knee. So, you have to take off some points for that alone. LOL
Aside the world, I don’t find the NPCs and objectives all that captivating either, but they’re not the meat of the game, they’re excuses to get to it.
The Zone is the game, it’s alive, constantly changing and evolving, NPCs wander on their own initiative in maps you aren’t in, in groups, fighting other factions and mutants. You can take on a mission and end up failing it from no fault of your own because that STALKER randomly got offed halfway across the world by a mutant or fell in a firefight. Most games that I‘ve played are dead, lifeless areas. The world isn’t active outside of the player’s immediate sphere of existence and influence. NPCs simply do whatever scripted event they’re programmed for or hand out checklist chore objectives, possibly with minimal variances in their actions, if they have any at all. They don’t exist independent of the player because they exist for the player.
That’s why STALKER is so engrossing. Despite all its faults which it’s criticized for, it’s a game world that actually exists and is endlessly emergent because of it. I wish more developers would take a page from STALKER’s philosophy of total indifference to the player, unfortunately I don’t think it’s a tenable game design in today’s day and age because most players would have no patience for it. STALKER admittedly has an incredibly weak early game.
@MirkoS77: Again, what you are describing already happens in The Elder Scrolls games. Many NPCs do live their own lives to an extent and have their own schedules. They are not just always standing in the same place waiting to give u a quest or whatever. Anyway, I really didn't find the zone that interesting in the stalker games. Had there been some more interesting environments, objectives, NPCs and exploration incentives, I would have enjoyed it more.
Elder Scrolls and similar ilk feel like a hub theme park trailered for the player to consume content.
The zone feels like a real place that doesn't give a **** if you're in it. It's immeasurably more immersive than that or the last 78 big budget Ubisoft open world games.
@MirkoS77: Again, what you are describing already happens in The Elder Scrolls games. Many NPCs do live their own lives to an extent and have their own schedules. They are not just always standing in the same place waiting to give u a quest or whatever. Anyway, I really didn't find the zone that interesting in the stalker games. Had there been some more interesting environments, objectives, NPCs and exploration incentives, I would have enjoyed it more.
It doesn't happen in ES, the illusion of it happens.
STALKER models a world but each instance in the world is dynamic and independent of the other. Weather, NPCs, mutants, factions, alliances.....all working and evolving independently yet coming together in interplay. For example, I was once playing and heard an emission siren. Running into a trainyard to take shelter, a group of bandits entered the other side to do the same, blocking my exit. Turning around, mercenaries had followed me in (also to get out of the storm), a firefight breaks out among them (as their relations were hostile, as mine were with both) with me suddenly in the crossfire. I take refuge in a train car in between them in a raging storm that's rocking the building and making it nigh impossible to shoot, much less see straight, with dwindling ammo and health supplies that I barely manage to squeak out of and literally limp into Rostok.
This situation was never a thought in the developer's head. Can the same be said about Skyrim? This is what a good game should do. People can complain about how buggy and janky STALKER is (though usually these opinions are outdated, the newest mods are very stable and quite polished), but I have never experienced something like that in Skyrim, or any other game. Everything is always done with the developer hovering over you like a nanny to make sure the experience is what theywant instead of creating a world with its own independent variables, plopping you in it, wishing you luck, then walking away. I suppose it's fair to say you're not interested in the world itself, but with STALKER that's analogous to saying you don't like dynamic, emergent gameplay that's continually unpredictable, as that's exactly what the Zone is.
It is the gameplay, it's not compartmentalized to the developer's discretion.
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