This is the game they are selling for $60, ladies and gentlemen.
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I'll defend it with Splatoon and I'll defend it here.
Unless you're a chatty kathy who wants to gossip with the girls voice chat is not necessary.
"Team communication on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will rely on each consoles "built-in party system for in-game chat,"
So it WILL have voice chat.
Not with randoms, and most people will be playing with randoms most of the time.
Let's not needlessly defend the lack of the feature here where we are more than willing to rip on other games for lacking it :)
@charizard1605: I'm not defending it. But your thread title is a lie. You'd probably mod someone for doing the same.
I'm using the same headline that IGN has used, and that NeoGAF has used. There is nothing wrong with the headline, there is no voice chat in Star Wars Battlefront- PS4 and Xbox One voice chat is OS based, the game itself has no such voice chat.
Don't be so quick to call things a lie- Star Wars Battlefront, the game, has no voice chat, which is all the title says. You need an external solution, albeit one that consoles still thankfully come with on board.
EDIT: That said, I edited the title for maximum clarity, you should have no issues with it now.
There's always the party systems, but there's really no excuse in not having that feature in a MP-focused game.
Oh well. I already lost all interest in this game following the beta.
When you think about it, kind of makes sense, I mean if 20 people are all chatting on each team, or 40 in matchmaking and map countdown, it can get loud.
And, again, back to the issue of why Battlefronts needed to be a Battlefield game with a Star Wars skin, in Battlefield games that chat was best set at squad chat and not team chat, 4 people talking together is best in those games instead of a whole team, but here we're back to the issue of how it's as if they specifically wanted to avoid making it a Battlefield game so they did without squads... fucking stupid.
Is there a reason why EA/Dice aren't putting the effort?
Rushing to meet the release date.
Is there a reason why EA/Dice aren't putting the effort?
Maybe cross signals. For instance, what if DICE read user feedback of the game project idea and people who are vocal know-nothing-know-it-alls probably stepped up to expressed opinions like "don't turn it into a generic shooter like Battlefield, durrrr", ... "don't go slapping a Star Wars skin on a Battlefield game" ... "this better not be a generic FPS with stupid iron sights, Battlefronts was a TPS" ... "if it has squads and character classes then I'll know it was just a Battlefield re-skin". If true, it wouldn't be the first time developers pandered to loudmouth fans only to let it drag down the quality of the games in the process.
When I play solo, I don't expect to be chatting. On BF4 on PS4 I mute my mic. Most of the time, other players aren't chatting anyway, as they're either also lone wolfing or in a party chat. I say it's fine since I like how they tied party chat to a game party. No having to invite people twice or losing someone when leaving a game. As long as they're in the party, they're in you game party.
I think arguments can be made for not using voice chat in certain types of multiplayer games. I didn't miss it at all in games like the Souls series or in Resident Evil Outbreak. However, in a team based multiplayer shooter? WTF...
It cost $60? LOL you know how much the game cost in Canada? $79.99... not buying till it hit $20 thanks besides too busy with Disgaea 5, Destiny and soon Tales of Zestiria
Well normally you have alternatives, right? Like a command rose, like in Battlefield. Though now that I understand what this game is meant to be (very light die and get up shooter) I don't really care. The game is like a quicky. It loads a game in like 2 seconds. Respawning takes 2 seconds too. Waiting for the next match takes like 10 seconds. It's a game you play in between other games.
I'll defend it with Splatoon and I'll defend it here.
Unless you're a chatty kathy who wants to gossip with the girls voice chat is not necessary.
Voice chat in a online MP squad based game isn't necessary? The lack of communication is why you can get your ass kicked in these games.
@charizard1605: In all fairness party chat pretty much ruined in game chat. I use to go online and talk to randoms and meet people and add friends. Now everyone is just partied up playing together and chatting or partied up playing different games.
Even in COD it's pretty quiet anymore.
I'll defend it with Splatoon and I'll defend it here.
Unless you're a chatty kathy who wants to gossip with the girls voice chat is not necessary.
Voice chat in a online MP squad based game isn't necessary? The lack of communication is why you can get your ass kicked in these games.
Real soldiers on the field use hand signals. You want to gossip join a sewing circle.
I'll defend it with Splatoon and I'll defend it here.
Unless you're a chatty kathy who wants to gossip with the girls voice chat is not necessary.
Voice chat in a online MP squad based game isn't necessary? The lack of communication is why you can get your ass kicked in these games.
Real soldiers on the field use hand signals. You want to gossip join a sewing circle.
Did you just compare real life battles to video game simulated battles? Are you serious? Damn that's one of the dumbest things I've heard on SWs.
1st of all you, can't see your squad online so how in the hell could you use hand signals?
I'll defend it with Splatoon and I'll defend it here.
Unless you're a chatty kathy who wants to gossip with the girls voice chat is not necessary.
Voice chat in a online MP squad based game isn't necessary? The lack of communication is why you can get your ass kicked in these games.
Real soldiers on the field use hand signals. You want to gossip join a sewing circle.
Did you just compare real life battles to video game simulated battles? Are you serious? Damn that's one of the dumbest things I've heard on SWs.
1st of all you, can't see your squad online so how in the hell could you use hand signals?
Its called gestures, its how we communicate with the whole world universally. Gestures are the future, vs world gaming is the future, we dont need no lango walls holding us back. I game with people from Japan, France, Sweden, Spain, Europe, etc, i can team up with them without having to speak their language, it works great and the community always stays full.
I'll defend it with Splatoon and I'll defend it here.
Unless you're a chatty kathy who wants to gossip with the girls voice chat is not necessary.
Voice chat in a online MP squad based game isn't necessary? The lack of communication is why you can get your ass kicked in these games.
Real soldiers on the field use hand signals. You want to gossip join a sewing circle.
Did you just compare real life battles to video game simulated battles? Are you serious? Damn that's one of the dumbest things I've heard on SWs.
1st of all you, can't see your squad online so how in the hell could you use hand signals?
Its called gestures, its how we communicate with the whole world universally. Gestures are the future, vs world gaming is the future, we dont need no lango walls holding us back. I game with people from Japan, France, Sweden, Spain, Europe, etc, i can team up with them without having to speak their language, it works great and the community always stays full.
I've yet to play any squad based MP game using gestures and i've been playing MP games since the 90s. I highly doubt the vast majority use gestures either. I'm sure if everyone used gestures it would be fine but I don't think that's the case. Voice chat is still the best way to communicate and have everyone understand what's going on. I don't know how many games I've been in that my team failed to communicate and we lost because of it.
We have another Splatoon on our hands.
Yeah but isn't Splatoon consist of games of like 8 players in a game? Battlefront has 40 players and is increasingly objective orientated.. The lack of communication in Battlefront would seem far worse..
We have another Splatoon on our hands.
Yeah but isn't Splatoon consist of games of like 8 players in a game? Battlefront has 40 players and is increasingly objective orientated.. The lack of communication in Battlefront would seem far worse..
Its stupid ether way. I guess EA is learning from nintendo now since they saw they got a pass so why not.
Real soldiers on the field use hand signals. You want to gossip join a sewing circle.
Did you just compare real life battles to video game simulated battles? Are you serious? Damn that's one of the dumbest things I've heard on SWs.
1st of all you, can't see your squad online so how in the hell could you use hand signals?
Its called gestures, its how we communicate with the whole world universally. Gestures are the future, vs world gaming is the future, we dont need no lango walls holding us back. I game with people from Japan, France, Sweden, Spain, Europe, etc, i can team up with them without having to speak their language, it works great and the community always stays full.
I've yet to play any squad based MP game using gestures and i've been playing MP games since the 90s. I highly doubt the vast majority use gestures either. I'm sure if everyone used gestures it would be fine but I don't think that's the case. Voice chat is still the best way to communicate and have everyone understand what's going on. I don't know how many games I've been in that my team failed to communicate and we lost because of it.
So far for me Heroes of the Storm and Splatoon uses them for communication. Im sure many more will in the future also, Dark Souls used them some, and i think they plan on using them more, its useful for smaller communities to communicate between players with different languages. Ive used gestures in WoW that communicate wonderfully, also GW2 had some useful ones, many mmos do it.
Im not saying vast majority use it, im just saying many do and it works.
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