I think we should all be questioning at this point if all of these games getting bad scores are as bad as they say. It seems as though no game is good enough to appease most gamers anymore, or at least the reviewers.
Are reviewers and gamers in general just in a "don't give a damn" mind set? Do we compare most new releases not to a realistic standard but expect the same thrill we got playing what would become a favorite game? I think it depends.
As a couple of examples let's look at two recently (re)released Resident Evil games; RE Remake HD and RE Revelations 2. I completed Remake HD a few times before Rev 2 released and had played the Gamecube version countless times before that. When Rev 2 came out I played the first chapter and half of the second, got board, and went back to playing Remake HD in an attempt to get the platinum. Between the two games Remake HD is far superior (opinion), yet Rev 2 still received an 8/10 score from most reviewers.
Now let's look at the last year of releases. Most games that would be considered AAA are getting massive backlash from both reviewers and general gamers alike. Some rightfully so given really bad glitches. Glitches aside though, were those games fun? Some of the games that come to mind that were torn apart mostly by gamers (AC Unity, Destiny, The Order), I had a great time with. Not everyone did but you can't please everyone.
I think gamers need to go into a gaming experience expecting one thing; fun. If that's your expectation then you'll more than likely start enjoy gaming again. After all, games are about having fun.
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