This is coming from someone who was very pro Xbox in the last two gens but this time around it's very obvious that when it comes to gaming the PS4 is undoubtedly the more powerful and easier to develop for console. They fixed their crappy controller, they focused on making a console that is first and foremost about the games and they clearly have a pretty decent size advantage when it comes to raw horsepower. They also are coming to market with a console that is $100 cheaper which make no mistake in today's economy will be very relevant when they are sitting there side by side.
MS totally dropped the ball when it was so easy to hit a home run. Their stubbornness to keep pushing a wildly unpopular add on (kinect) instead of using that money to improve the actual console is going to be their downfall. Now I'm not saying that the Xbox one is not going to make some great looking quality games but I am saying more times than not the best PS4 games are going to look noticeably better. Now to 80% of the market they won't know or won't care but to that last 20% of informed gamers the PS4 is going to be the first choice. 20% may not seem like much but when it's 20% of a couple hundred million possible customers that is the difference between winning and losing the war.
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