All 3 consoles have an amazing 2007 lineup, of exclusives (and in the PS3s/360s case, multiplatform gams as well). In terms of sales, coming from a cow, I do not see sony winding up on top, but I do not see them going under/"failing".
Just to name a few.
360-Mass Effect, splinter cell 5, Bioshock, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Halo 3, Ace Combat 6, Beautiful Katamari, and more. For the love of god, quit including Naruto, because we all know that game looks like crap.
PS3-Lair, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, Warhawk, SOCOM: Confrontation, Ratchet and Clank 5, Folklore, Hot shots golf 5, white knight story, littlebigplanet (download version), UT3, Haze, and more. And quit calling uncharted/heavenly sword rip offs of Tomb raider/God of war (respectivly) because every REAL reviewer/critic who has played those games have said that they are very deep, and have similarities, but are not ripoffs.
Wii-Super Smash Bros Brawl, fire emblem, battalion wars, MP3, Zak and wiki, de blob, boogie, Super Mario Galaxy, Dragon QUest: Masked queen and the tower of mirrors, Sadness (?), Day of disaster, No more heroes, and more. I don't really follow wii knews, so please add on and I will edit this.
Really...saying "X console will have the best sales" (usually nintendo/microsoft, as of now) is one thing, because it can be semi-obvious, but which console has the best games in 2007 is open for debate. I myself, like the PS3's 2007 moreso than the 360's, but I love the 360's as well.
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