it wont work..
they will just say that they have keyboard and mouse and mods
its funny though that keyboard and mouse is no longer all that much better, the only thing its better for is RTS..
hermits should really try using a 360 controller for once and ur see that its basicly the same just not as exact
99% of mods are crap but w/e
if ur pc cant run at a resolution above 1280x720 at the highest settings then ur games probly look worse then the 360 multiplat
a gaming pc that can play at 1680x1050 and max most games now adays will cost $1500 with taxes..they always forget to add the taxes.. 360..$300
sound is no longer better as most pc gamers use $20 sound cards and $40 headphones then brag about 7.1,eax etc
anyway stop trying cause they will just bring up these arguments and own you even though their arguments arnt really right anymore..
iv played pc and console for 10 years now.
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