Alright guys, I have seen a trend over the last few months that is really starting to bother me: Whining about the lack of multiplayer in games, mostly FPS's
Now, I agree that multiplayer can add to the experience in certaingames (like Halo, Rainbow Six, Gears of Waretc.), but some games simply do not need it.
I just read a post in the Metroid Prime 3 hype thread stating that MP3 will score AA because of its lack of online multiplayer.
That, to me, is insane.
What does it matter about the multiplayer if the core adventure is extremely good huh? Really, have we become so used to playing games, more specifically shooters, online that we have lost our ability to enjoy a good single player game?
Not every FPS needs multiplayer; look at The Darkness. Pretty damn fun game. It could have been more fun if the devs hadn't felt so pressured by the gaming community to put multiplayer in it. And guess what? The multiplayer sucked, and, in many cases, brought down the score. The devs could have used the wasted multiplayer dev time to add more content to the single player portion and further refine the experience.
Now there is an FPS coming out next month called Bioshock, which, despite looking amazing, has been bashed for its lack of multiplayer.
Stop it! How many damn multiplayer FPS's do we need? Oh like all the UT's and Halo, and the upcoming TF2, and all the other hundreds of online FPS's aren't enough, you have to come begging to studios like Irrational Games and Starbreeze to "please put in multiplayer".
Here's a question: Why?
Why are you so desperate for MP?
Why does it really matter?
Why can't we have both?
Why don't you stop criticizing games for lack of MP, and enjoy them for what they are?
I think there is plenty of room for great singleplayer only FPS's andgreat FPS's with multiplayer, but as long as we keep going nuts on MP, devs will keep ****ing their games up by taking time away from the core game to tack-on some multiplayer to please the masses.
Just shut up and play what the devs offer.
If you don't like it, then vote with your wallet.
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