You succeed only in making yourselves look bad, and the fact that you are making numerous alt accounts isn't helping you. We get that you are too blind to accept the the Wii is destroyin your precious PS Triple. Get over it. You are making so many threads that the lems can't even brag about Bioshock/MassEffect/w/e any more. It's pathetic. The day you stop using old, debunked, overused arguments, stop making up facts, accept that there are no downgrades in first party Ninty games, and quit complaining about the supposed death of the hardcore market will be a better day for us all.
Note to lems-It's entirely possibe that you are annoying fanboys too, but all of the Wii bashing threads I've seent oday had this:
"PS3 is more value for money!"
"PS3 has more potential!"
"PS3 has more power!"
so I'm excusing you from this generalization.
See cows, at least I have the courage to rant on my own account. Now pull yourselves together and start asking for better games.
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