Unfortunatley...the parry system will no longer be applicable to Street Fighter IV, but out with the old and in with the new...right. Here goes parrying's replacement: saving(not actual saving the video game)
"The Saving system is what Ono hopes will satisfy the hardcore players looking forward to battling it out in SFIV. By now it's no secret that Street Fighter III's much-loved Parry system is out, and 'saving' is in. First of all, the Saving system isn't a fancy name for saving your game. While Capcom U.S. works out a title that's punchier and, hopefully, more descriptive for the North American market, the system-currently-known-as-the-Saving-system is the branching, one size-fits-all multi-faceted palette of play mechanics in SFIV that expert players should be able to wring some truly exciting results out of once the game reaches the general public. But to know the Saving system you must first understand..." the rest, if you would like to continue reading(which i advise), is here http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?pager.offset=0&cId=3165157
You Likey...
...cause i likey. ;)
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