Looks great. I'm so glad they took the gameplay/pacing from SoR2 and not from SoR3!
Good thing I checked, because I was about to make a thread. :p
You know before I wasn't feeling the art style, but I think I'm starting to change my tune. The animations look so fluid, and assuming everyone can run still run like in SoR3, it seems like this SoR will play much faster due to the juggling and how enemies can no longer hide offscreen.
I still very much would love to see my boys, Max, Zan, and Shiva return, but after examining the latest image, it appears like half of the squad is going to be new. Hopefully, the new characters will be fun to play as, but maybe the roster is larger than we think, and I guess there's always a chance at DLC.
Still waiting on that Yuzo Koshiro confirmation, doe.
I can't wait. I'm glad it's 2D too, the art is really nice. Looks like it's got a Joe Madureira cover as well.
I need to catch up on my SOR. I have the Genesis collection on my Switch and I struggled to play the first game a bit.
@PAL360: In terms of pacing, what SoR2 does better than SoR3 is that there are never any scenarios where you're stuck on the same screen fighting 4 waves of enemies. If we're talking pure gameplay though, SoR3 is superior due to the higher speed, blitz/star moves, and special meter. With that said, to me, it looks they were playing either on easy or normal in the trailer, so it'll be much more chaotic on hardest and mania, and probably more so than SoR2 even without running.
But yeah in regards to the visuals, I agree. I would have preferred a SoR Remake and Sonic Mania approach, but I'm starting to like SoR4's for what it is now.
@nintendoboy16: Like PAL360 said, there's a big jump from SoR1 to SoR2. SoR1 is very by the numbers, aside from the Yuzo Koshiro soundtrack, but 2 and 3 are where the series earned its reputation for being all-time great.
Yea, not keen on this art-style. Streets Of Rage always stuck me as a dark and grungy game, this is, very clean. flash like.
Not saying the art-style itself is bad, just probably got the wrong person for the job.
Dotemu, after seeing some of their ports as well, very iffy.
@PAL360: Well other than the gameplay, I do prefer SoR2 for most things (it's my favorite game of all-time). What made SoR Remake so good was that it combined the best of both, so you got the SoR2 presentation but with the optional combative perks of SoR3. Really, SoR Remake set the bar so insanely high, that I don't think SoR4 ever had a chance of matching it. Hopefully though, it will at least be a worthy entry in its own right.
@Random_Matt: lol, SoR3 is phenomenal, but yes, SoR2 is the best.
@lamprey263: I would expect $20 going by the Wonder Boy III remake, which Lizardcube and Dotemu also did. Sonic Mania was the same price as well.
@robert_sparkes: SoR3 gives a bad initial impression; I remember being disappointed the first time played it as well. Over the years though, I really began to appreciate the game when I forgave it for not being a carbon copy of SoR2. If you want a challenge, SoR3 is so much more satisfying to beat, especially when you have an equally good partner. Similarly with the music, I have to give major props to Yuzo Koshiro for being more experimental, because the tracks were definitely ahead of their time. In particular, "Shinobi Reverse' and "The Poets" are awesome to listen to.
@PAL360: Oh man, is it! It's basically the Sonic Mania of Streets of Rage before Sonic Mania was a thing, but even better. The customization is just mental, because the options they give you revolve around stuff only a diehard Streets of Rage fan would think of. Then there's the huge roster, the multiple pathways, new levels, amazing remixes, etc. I could gush over SoR Remake all day, lol. This guy goes into well enough detail over what it is:
In regards to the last image it looks like either a new female character with a guitar or maybe an older Skate on the left? Right character could be new or Max with cybernetic arms? There is also a third character in the middle but I can't make heads or tails of them
I don't mind the lack of a pixel-art look, because I've never been a fan of the pixel-art movement in the first place. Firstly because it just doesn't look appealing to me, with the rough pixelated look. And secondly, because pixel art isn't even authentically retro in the first place, as retro games were played on CRT television sets that smoothed-out the pixels. An authentically retro look would simulate what it looked like on a CRT, with the smoothing, blurring, colour-bleeding, anti-aliasing, and blooming. Nevertheless, some retro-style games like Sonic Mania do offer both options, a pixel-art look and a CRT look.
One issue I have with the art style, however, is that it looks like the sprites have been stretched horizontally, making the characters look a bit "fat" and weird. It would look better if the characters were a bit thinner, with similar proportions to the original sprites. That's the only real issue I have with the graphics. Otherwise, the art style looks pretty good. If all goes well, it could become a Sonic Mania style sequel to the greatest 2D action game series.
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