Subjective reviews are the future

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#1 drekula2
Member since 2012 • 3349 Posts

It was a lot different back then when gaming was young and on the turn to 3D.  A paragraph explaining the controls was necessary.  And they were graded by graphics and sound, as things like detailed profound stories, emotional moments, character connections, conveyance of grand themes/beliefs were much less common.

I do miss the nostalgia of the "entirely objective" review era, but it's time to move on and adapt.

For example, Carolyn Petit's GTA5 review has caused a rage.  I have my own reservations regarding it, but in the end, I'd rather have an honest opinion than just a copy-paste of what everyone else is writing.  There are 50+ different reviewing sites and magazines.  What a waste would they be if they were all objective.  They'd all be almost entirely the same and that would be redundant.

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#2 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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Reviews are, by definition, subjective :|
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#3 drekula2
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Reviews are, by definition, subjective :|charizard1605

Then there should be no crime in Petit being honest she finds a game sexist and confused in its message or McShea just really never cared for the characters in TLOU.

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#5 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Reviews are, by definition, subjective :|drekula2

Then there should be no crime in Petit being honest she finds a game sexist and confused in its message or McShea just really never cared for the characters in TLOU.

There's a difference between subjectivity in reviews, and shoehorning opinions in reviews where they do not belong. It would be like me giving Call of Duty a 4/10 because I am pro gun control.
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#6 OreoMilkshake
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Only my reviews are objective.
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#7 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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For those who want 'objective' reviews, I strongly urge you to check this out.
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#8 edidili
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[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Reviews are, by definition, subjective :|drekula2

Then there should be no crime in Petit being honest she finds a game sexist and confused in its message or McShea just really never cared for the characters in TLOU.

There is no crime for what she did. She came up with her opinion and that's all. The gaming community on the web did **** and moan but they always do this and will always do it. 

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#9 hiphops_savior
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[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Reviews are, by definition, subjective :|drekula2

Then there should be no crime in Petit being honest she finds a game sexist and confused in its message or McShea just really never cared for the characters in TLOU.

The basic rule of reviewing is this. What is the game trying to accomplish, and did it do its job properly? In Tom's case, TLOU is trying to tell a story of a man and a girl in a post apocalyptic setting. Not caring about a character undermines the poignancy of the story. Petit's gripe about sexism had nothing to do with whether or not GTA 5 is a good game. She can say that the satire fell flat at times, and that would be a legitimate complaint. She can also say that having three protagonists undermined the narrative. You are right that Petit is entitled to her opinion, but she has to give reasons why, and in this case, it did not justify docking a full point.
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#10 TilxWLOC
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For those who want 'objective' reviews, I strongly urge you to check this out.


Oh! Not that garbage again. Of course nothing can be completely objective, but even as an example of that, the "review" you posted is so stuck on trying to prove its point that it pads itself out to make it more annoying-- to make you hate it.

You can certainly try to have an objective review, which is much better than a reviewer saying, "Well, reviews are suggestive so who cares if it is full of bias. Why bother?"

Then again, I have a bias against Jim, so what can I say?

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#11 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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For those who want 'objective' reviews, I strongly urge you to check this out.


Oh! Not that garbage again. Of course nothing can be completely objective, but even as an example of that, the "review" you posted is so stuck on trying to prove its point that it pads itself out to make it more annoying-- to make you hate it.

You can certainly try to have an objective review, which is much better than a reviewer saying, "Well, reviews are suggestive so who cares if it is full of bias. Why bother?"

Then again, I have a bias against Jim, so what can I say?

Clearly, you are not being objective in your analysis of Jim or his review.
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#12 TilxWLOC
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For those who want 'objective' reviews, I strongly urge you to check this out.


Oh! Not that garbage again. Of course nothing can be completely objective, but even as an example of that, the "review" you posted is so stuck on trying to prove its point that it pads itself out to make it more annoying-- to make you hate it.

You can certainly try to have an objective review, which is much better than a reviewer saying, "Well, reviews are suggestive so who cares if it is full of bias. Why bother?"

Then again, I have a bias against Jim, so what can I say?

Clearly, you are not being objective in your analysis of Jim or his review.

I'm honestly not sure how serious you are with that post.

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#13 CaseyWegner
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past, present, and future.

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#14 rjdofu
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Reviews have always been subjective :|. That, however, doesn't shield a shit reviewer from criticism.

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#15 StrongDeadlift
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I really dont understand the crying over Petit's review of GTAV.  It's not as if she deducted points from the review.  Gamespot changed its raiting scale to a 10 point scale.  You are acting as if her opinion detracted from the score of the game. Although most of us (me inclulded) dissagree with the mysogyny stuff, she is entitled to her opinion.

She gave the damn game the HIGHEST possible raiting the game could recieve from this site (with the sites new rating system), short of giving it a 10.   WTF else do you want from her? :?

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#16 Gue1
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reviews are and always will be subjective if not they would be just a general description. A reviewer telling you what's good, what's bad, what's wrong with a game is just his opinion and you might or migh not agree with it. But people don't care about opinions or reviews, they just want a score to brag about or get butthurt when is not what they were hyping.

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#17 CJ_ofCamelot
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They shoulda listed rain as indie they woulda thought it was a horse
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#18 jg4xchamp
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There's a difference between subjectivity in reviews, and shoehorning opinions in reviews where they do not belong. Icharizard1605

Bullshit, if you're going to argue gaming is art(which these "critics" and "journalists" do) or take the story aspect of the game seriously, then that kind of reflective criticism is fair game. It is totally justified for someone to be offended by a piece of fiction.

When something's called pretentious or preachy is a valid criticism in literature, film, or any other artistic medium. And that type of criticism questioning the morality of the narrative, how it presents certain thing, and wether or not the narrative makes the creators come off intolerant is again totally fair game. Nothing about her complaint is out of line or doesn't belong in a review.

What sucks about it is

A: She doesn't know what the words profoundly misogynistic means. Because if she did a deeply offensive narrative would get knocked a lot harder than a brush to the side, so lets give the game a 9. At that point it was either her hitting thesaurus or it was a cheap plug

B: she does a poor job justifying GTA 5 being misogynistic. Poorly written is one thing, but if you're going to argue a piece is misogynistic, sexist, racist, etc you better put some effort into justifying it, and she didn't do that.

That's the real issue with her complaint is that it's so cheap and tacked on, but otherwise it toally belongs in a review if that's the kind of review you want to write. Does it belong in a product review? probably not, but game "critics" in general have been trying emulate more reflective reviews in line with reviews of other mediums. In which case, totally fair game.

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#19 Allicrombie
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There's a difference between subjectivity in reviews, and shoehorning opinions in reviews where they do not belong. Ijg4xchamp

Bullshit, if you're going to argue gaming is art(which these "critics" and "journalists" do) or take the story aspect of the game seriously, then that kind of reflective criticism is fair game. It is totally justified for someone to be offended by a piece of fiction.

When something's called pretentious or preachy is a valid criticism in literature, film, or any other artistic medium. And that type of criticism questioning the morality of the narrative, how it presents certain thing, and wether or not the narrative makes the creators come off intolerant is again totally fair game. Nothing about her complaint is out of line or doesn't belong in a review.

What sucks about it is

A: She doesn't know what the words profoundly misogynistic means. Because if she did a deeply offensive narrative would get knocked a lot harder than a brush to the side, so lets give the game a 9. At that point it was either her hitting thesaurus or it was a cheap plug

B: she does a poor job justifying GTA 5 being misogynistic. Poorly written is one thing, but if you're going to argue a piece is misogynistic, sexist, racist, etc you better put some effort into justifying it, and she didn't do that.

That's the real issue with her complaint is that it's so cheap and tacked on, but otherwise it toally belongs in a review if that's the kind of review you want to write. Does it belong in a product review? probably not, but game "critics" in general have been trying emulate more reflective reviews in line with reviews of other mediums. In which case, totally fair game.

so you're in love with Carolyn? O.o
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#20 jg4xchamp
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There's a difference between subjectivity in reviews, and shoehorning opinions in reviews where they do not belong. IAllicrombie

Bullshit, if you're going to argue gaming is art(which these "critics" and "journalists" do) or take the story aspect of the game seriously, then that kind of reflective criticism is fair game. It is totally justified for someone to be offended by a piece of fiction.

When something's called pretentious or preachy is a valid criticism in literature, film, or any other artistic medium. And that type of criticism questioning the morality of the narrative, how it presents certain thing, and wether or not the narrative makes the creators come off intolerant is again totally fair game. Nothing about her complaint is out of line or doesn't belong in a review.

What sucks about it is

A: She doesn't know what the words profoundly misogynistic means. Because if she did a deeply offensive narrative would get knocked a lot harder than a brush to the side, so lets give the game a 9. At that point it was either her hitting thesaurus or it was a cheap plug

B: she does a poor job justifying GTA 5 being misogynistic. Poorly written is one thing, but if you're going to argue a piece is misogynistic, sexist, racist, etc you better put some effort into justifying it, and she didn't do that.

That's the real issue with her complaint is that it's so cheap and tacked on, but otherwise it toally belongs in a review if that's the kind of review you want to write. Does it belong in a product review? probably not, but game "critics" in general have been trying emulate more reflective reviews in line with reviews of other mediums. In which case, totally fair game.

so you're in love with Carolyn? O.o

What? no I thought her review is pretty weak. It was either borderline gutless or it's a cheap attempt at a criticism, ala the rest of the industry with its sudden desire to be PC. I just defend her right to make that argument in a criticism. That shit is fair game, but if you're going to do it, do it right. From where I'm sitting she did a poor job.
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#21 DraugenCP
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A review should always convey a personal point of view rooted in objective observations and information. The pseudo-objective buyer's guide ideal is terribly outdated.

The problem is that the video game audience isn't exactly mature, so upholding this idea of useless hype reviews that only function as contributions to Metacritic scores. Most gamers do not want reflective reviews, but rather a high or a low score (depending where they stand in the fanboy spectrum). It is also rather difficult to write profound analyses of video games without coming across as terribly pretentious, seeing as video games tend to be rather superficial in terms of story, social commentary and whatnot (which is not necessarily a bad thing, mind). It's one of the reasons why I personally switched to mostly doing music reviews.

Bullshit, if you're going to argue gaming is art(which these "critics" and "journalists" do) or take the story aspect of the game seriously, then that kind of reflective criticism is fair game. It is totally justified for someone to be offended by a piece of fiction. jg4xchamp

I agree, but in the case of Petit it was selective indignation that reeks of a personal social/political agenda. There is also a difference between misogyny and sexism, as you pointed out. So all in all it was rather embarassing.

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#22 jg4xchamp
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[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Bullshit, if you're going to argue gaming is art(which these "critics" and "journalists" do) or take the story aspect of the game seriously, then that kind of reflective criticism is fair game. It is totally justified for someone to be offended by a piece of fiction. DraugenCP

I agree, but in the case of Petit it was selective indignation that reeks of a personal social/political agenda. There is also a differnce between misogyny and sexism, as you pointed out. So all in all it was rather embarassing.

Oh no, I agree. Her complaint never comes off sincere, as much as it comes off "well Anita on youtube called out our industry, so we gotta fight the struggle, and yada yada". There is a certain sleezyness to it.

Which frankly I think is a shame, because as Patrick Klepik pointed out on Giant Bomb. This is the type of stuff games journalists, media, and critics should talk about more, and address when it comes to games. There should be conversations about diversity(or a lack thereof) in gaming. Problem is entirely execution.

Either way it's still not the most offensive review of GTA 5.

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#23 DraugenCP
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Oh no, I agree. Her complaint never comes off sincere, as much as it comes off "well Anita on youtube called out our industry, so we gotta fight the struggle, and yada yada". There is a certain sleezyness to it.

Which frankly I think is a shame, because as Patrick Klepik pointed out on Giant Bomb. This is the type of stuff games journalists, media, and critics should talk about more, and address when it comes to games. There should be conversations about diversity(or a lack thereof) in gaming. Problem is entirely execution.

Either way it's still not the most offensive review of GTA 5.jg4xchamp

As it stands now this seems to be a bridge too far for the gaming audience, so I doubt major publications will be successful in making this approach the standards in the next, say, 3 years. It may eventually find its way into the mainstream, though, seeing as gaming is (albeit very slowly) losing the stigma of solely being a teenage ordeal.

I agree that there should be a more intelligent discourse surrounding video games, but so far I've seen very few people pull this approach off successfully. Attempts at societal reflection seem to be limited to intellectually dire feminists who use video games solely as a vehicle for their own agendas. And frankly, one thing I find more annoying than superficiality in writing about any medium (be it games, music, or film) is a pretentious 'outsider-looking-in' perspective. If you lack the passion, stick to research papers.

Boy, I feel another article coming up. :oops:

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#24 Allicrombie
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[QUOTE="DraugenCP"] more intelligent discourse surrounding video games,

posting this sentence on SW is comedy gold.
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#25 DraugenCP
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[QUOTE="DraugenCP"] more intelligent discourse surrounding video games, Allicrombie
posting this sentence on SW is comedy gold.

shutup diablo 3 sux such a flop lol noob



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#26 jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64054 Posts

[QUOTE="Allicrombie"][QUOTE="DraugenCP"] more intelligent discourse surrounding video games, DraugenCP

posting this sentence on SW is comedy gold.

shutup diablo 3 sux such a flop lol noob



Diablo does suck though
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#27 drekula2
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[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Reviews are, by definition, subjective :|charizard1605

Then there should be no crime in Petit being honest she finds a game sexist and confused in its message or McShea just really never cared for the characters in TLOU.

There's a difference between subjectivity in reviews, and shoehorning opinions in reviews where they do not belong. It would be like me giving Call of Duty a 4/10 because I am pro gun control.

Or you mean giving it a 9 because you are pro gun control, in the GTA V controversy's case.

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#28 locopatho
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Then there should be no crime in Petit being honest she finds a game sexist and confused in its message or McShea just really never cared for the characters in TLOU.


There's a difference between subjectivity in reviews, and shoehorning opinions in reviews where they do not belong. It would be like me giving Call of Duty a 4/10 because I am pro gun control.

Or you mean giving it a 9 because you are pro gun control, in the GTA V controversy's case.

Or give it a 9/10 because you are offended by AK47s but not any of the other guns in the game...
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#29 Cranler
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[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Reviews are, by definition, subjective :|charizard1605

Then there should be no crime in Petit being honest she finds a game sexist and confused in its message or McShea just really never cared for the characters in TLOU.

There's a difference between subjectivity in reviews, and shoehorning opinions in reviews where they do not belong. It would be like me giving Call of Duty a 4/10 because I am pro gun control.

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#30 Cranler
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[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Reviews are, by definition, subjective :|edidili

Then there should be no crime in Petit being honest she finds a game sexist and confused in its message or McShea just really never cared for the characters in TLOU.

There is no crime for what she did. She came up with her opinion and that's all. The gaming community on the web did **** and moan but they always do this and will always do it. 

Opinion is one thing misunderstanding specific scenes is another.
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#31 Cranler
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[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Reviews are, by definition, subjective :|hiphops_savior

Then there should be no crime in Petit being honest she finds a game sexist and confused in its message or McShea just really never cared for the characters in TLOU.

The basic rule of reviewing is this. What is the game trying to accomplish, and did it do its job properly? In Tom's case, TLOU is trying to tell a story of a man and a girl in a post apocalyptic setting. Not caring about a character undermines the poignancy of the story. Petit's gripe about sexism had nothing to do with whether or not GTA 5 is a good game. She can say that the satire fell flat at times, and that would be a legitimate complaint. She can also say that having three protagonists undermined the narrative. You are right that Petit is entitled to her opinion, but she has to give reasons why, and in this case, it did not justify docking a full point.

Agreed. Its the ESRB's job to tell us what the content is while its the reviewers job to judge the execution of the content.
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#32 SciFiRPGfan
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From Gamespot's review guidelines:

Your time and your money are on the line when you're deciding whether or not you should purchase (or rent) a game. Our editorial staff consists of discerning, value-conscious game players, and it's been our mission since 1996 to provide all the information you need to decide whether a given game is right for you...

...Our reviews are written with the prospective customer in mind--someone who's naturally interested in playing a new game and has a limited amount of time and money to spend. Our editors approach each review strictly from that perspective. In turn, our reviews are not intended to validate or support the beliefs of hardcore fans, nor are they intended to provide feedback to developers or publishers about how a given game could have been improved. Our reviews are only designed to tell you, the game player, to what extent a game is worth your while.

As long as Gamespot and other gaming sites will at least pretend that they are here to "advise us" on what games should "we" as gamers and prospective customers look into, I don't want them to be completely subjective and I want them to have "our" preferences and tastes in mind when reviewing games.

Now, that may be a difficult and sometimes probably downright impossible thing to do (since sometimes the opinions among gamers themselves vary so much that there is no prevailing outlook on how some elements in videogames should be handled...), but I have no doubts, that there are instances when it is possible to figure out what the majority of Gamespot's / some other gaming site's audience is looking for. After all, there's always a ton of feedback for reviews, GoTYs, polls,... 

E.g. (I might be making this up, I didn't pay that much attention, so sorry in advance), if a reviewer criticizes GTA 5 for being "too misogynistic" and there's overhelming feedback for the review from people saying that it's O.K. for a game to be that misogynistic and that the reviewer shouldn't put that much emphasis on it (at least while reviewing the game), then the next time I would logically expect that reviewer (or any other) to not put that much emphasis on whether the game is too misogynistic or not.

It's just a common sense to me. If somebody asks me to suggest him some good games to play, the first thing I would do would not be name my favourite ones, but to ask him what kind of games he likes / what he is looking for in games and then adjust my answer accordingly.

Like I said, it's much harder to do it when the one being advised is not a single guy but an entire audience which may consist of tens of thousands of people, but I still believe that there are instances when the reviewers could do a bit better job at taking the preferences of (majority of) their audience into account when reviewing games.

Reviews should first and foremost be useful to as many people as possible. For more refined and opinionated discussions, the writers could easily use editorials, blogs and such IMO.

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#33 MonsieurX
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Reviews are, by definition, subjective :|charizard1605
Well,that didn't take long :lol:
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#34 rjdofu
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From Gamespot's review guidelines:

Your time and your money are on the line when you're deciding whether or not you should purchase (or rent) a game. Our editorial staff consists of discerning, value-conscious game players, and it's been our mission since 1996 to provide all the information you need to decide whether a given game is right for you...

...Our reviews are written with the prospective customer in mind--someone who's naturally interested in playing a new game and has a limited amount of time and money to spend. Our editors approach each review strictly from that perspective. In turn, our reviews are not intended to validate or support the beliefs of hardcore fans, nor are they intended to provide feedback to developers or publishers about how a given game could have been improved. Our reviews are only designed to tell you, the game player, to what extent a game is worth your while.SciFiRPGfan

As long as Gamespot and other gaming sites will at least pretend that they are here to "advise us" on what games should "we" as gamers and prospective customers look into, I don't want them to be completely subjective and I want them to have "our" preferences and tastes in mind when reviewing games.

Now, that may be a difficult and sometimes probably downright impossible thing to do (since sometimes the opinions among gamers themselves vary so much that there is no prevailing outlook on how some elements in videogames should be handled...), but I have no doubts, that there are instances when it is possible to figure out what the majority of Gamespot's / some other gaming site's audience is looking for. After all, there's always a ton of feedback for reviews, GoTYs, polls,... 

E.g. (I might be making this up, I didn't pay that much attention, so sorry in advance), if a reviewer criticizes GTA 5 for being "too misogynistic" and there's overhelming feedback for the review from people saying that it's O.K. for game being that misogynistic and that reviewer shouldn't put that much emphasis on it (at least while reviewing the game), then the next time I would logically expect that reviewer (or any other) to not put that much emphasis on whether the game is too misogynistic or not.

It's just a common sense to me. If somebody asks me to suggest him some good games to play, the first thing I would do would not be name my favourite ones, but to ask him what kind of games he likes / what is he looking for in games and then adjust my answer accordingly.

Like I said, it's much harder to do it when the one being advised is not a single guy but an entire audience which may consist of tens of thousands of people, but I still believe that there are instances when the reviewers could do a bit better job at taking the preferences of (majority of) their audience into account when reviewing games.

Reviews should be first and foremost useful to as many people as possible. For more refined and opinionated discussions, the writers could easily use editorials, blogs and such.

It may be good in some cases; however, you should also consider the fact that fans always want their game to score as high as possible. The more popular the game is, the higher expectation the fans will have. Sure there are fans who agree with the score and understand where the reviewer comes from, but the vast majority of them are ready to butcher every criticism of the game from the reviewer. Therefore, if you don't want to upset the majority of a fanbase, just give the game a 10. The reviewers should NOT say what we want to hear, they must say what we NEED to hear, that's why criticism is so important.

I agree that the reviewer can shape themselves to public demand (by changing the writing style, not overly harsh or attempting to hit fishing) and try to be as objective as possible (by mentioning which types of audience will be attracted to the game)., but ONLY to some extent. I have no respect to reviewers who just bend over to the whiny fanboys and write whatever the fanboys wanna read instead of stating his or her own opinion, that MIGHT be important to certain people who are serious in their purchase.

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#35 Alpha_S_
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Reviews are, by definition, subjective :|charizard1605


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#36 YearoftheSnake5
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Reviews are, by definition, subjective :|charizard1605

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#37 LegatoSkyheart
Member since 2009 • 29733 Posts

Reviews weren't already Subjective?

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#38 SciFiRPGfan
Member since 2010 • 694 Posts

It may be good in some cases; however, you should also consider the fact that fans always want their game to score as high as possible. The more popular the game is, the higher expectation the fans will have. Sure there are fans who agree with the score and understand where the reviewer comes from, but the vast majority of them are ready to butcher every criticism of the game from the reviewer. Therefore, if you don't want to upset the majority of a fanbase, just give the game a 10. rjdofu

Well, giving all popular games (near) perfect scores would defeat or at least weaken the purpose of reviewing them in the first place. I can agree with that.

I am not sure if I am able to distinguish when it's just a group of vocal fans / fanboys and when it's like a legitimate majority of Gamespot's audience tho.

Maybe it's something that can be figured out or at least guessed more accurately from both the number of negative comments and their content (validity of criticism)? I dunno. Gamespot does have a show where they focus on comments from their readers, so maybe careful analysis could help them find balance between what they want to say about games, what most of their audience would want to hear and what both the audience and reviewers agree that needs to be said about games. 

The reviewers should NOT say what we want to hear, they must say what we NEED to hear, that's why criticism is so important.

I would say that this part needs the most work and communication between the reviewers and their audience, as sometimes I get the impression that not both parties agree on what needs to be said (heard).

IMO one of the best ways to instigate broader discussions about "what needs to be said" about videogames is through editorials and various opinionated articles. There, the reviewers can present their occasionally unique outlooks on videogames without harming specific games as much as they would if they did it through their reviews and they can also get stright to their points (specific issues) without having to bother with the rest of the reviews.

I believe that the conclusions reached through more general discussions could then be useful for individual reviews. In best case scenario, the parties (reviewers and audience / part of the audience who disagrees with reviewers) would find some kind of middleground, in worst case scenario, the parties would at least get to know each other's stances better and be prepared for reviews and their consequences. :P

 I agree that the reviewer can shape themselves to public demand (by changing the writing style, not overly harsh or attempting to hit fishing) and try to be as objective as possible (by mentioning which types of audience will be attracted to the game)., but ONLY to some extent. I have no respect to reviewers who just bend over to the whiny fanboys and write whatever the fanboys wanna read instead of stating his or her own opinion, that MIGHT be important to certain people who are serious in their purchase.

Well, as a reviewer you would be "trading" interests of an already known part of your audience (fans / fanboys), who you have better idea about what they are looking for, for an uknown (potentially non-existing) part of your audience who just "might" find your different approach more useful? I dunno. That sounds like a quite risky trade off to say the least.

On a principle, I could agree with it as I would not like to see the dictate of the fanboys to be the norm either. However, such approach would have to turn out to be useful to some signifficant part of the audience eventually. Otherwise it would be just reviewers completely misunderstanding the needs of their audience and it that case it would probably be better if they changed their minds.

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#39 DraugenCP
Member since 2006 • 8486 Posts

I agree that more culturally/socially oriented criticism is not entirely in line with Gamespot's review guidelines. But rather than discarding reviews that do this, I would say that the review guidelines are simply outdated. The 'buyers guide' ideal, i.e. the idea of a review as nothing more but a 'professional' informing 'consumers' emerged in a time when console demos were scarce; when there was no YouTube; when the internet was far less saturated with information; when user reviews and opinions were much more of a niche: in short, in a time when the professional reviewer still derived a considerable amount of authority from the lack of alternative 'see-before-you-buy' options. It was a time when magazines and later websites were basically the only source of information on gameplay other than word-to-mouth.

When I was a kid and I had about 15-20 euros of pocket money to spend per month, I would check reviews zealously to make sure the game I bought was a dead cert in terms of quality, replayability, etc. Now, I can just buy a game based on the recommendation of a friend, or based on gameplay footage on YouTube. The only time that reviews come into play in this decision is when I might check Metacritic just to make sure it's not absolutely abysmal (40-35 rating or lower). But in this situation it's solely about the average and not about what a review says.

So is the review useless? Far from it. I often find myself reading reviews not to see if I want a game/CD/film/whatever, but rather to compare my thoughts and observations to those of other people, which might help me view it in a different light. The review, in its essence, has the potential of being the ideal medium of digesting certain thoughts on a game (or other piece), much in the fashion of an editorial but rather focused on one piece. Provocative, unconventional observations can spark an interesting discussion among the audience, which I think is much more valuable than becoming yet another link in the chain of scores that make up the Metacritic tally. In this sense, I would applaud Petit's inclusion of external topic material, were it not for the fact that her argument is redundant, poorly made and in total dissonance with the rest of the review. But the alternative that is proposed by some - to return to the worn-out buyers guide mold - appears to me as equally disheartening.

Damn, I should lurk more on SW to get with da game.

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#40 Cranler
Member since 2005 • 8809 Posts


From Gamespot's review guidelines:

Your time and your money are on the line when you're deciding whether or not you should purchase (or rent) a game. Our editorial staff consists of discerning, value-conscious game players, and it's been our mission since 1996 to provide all the information you need to decide whether a given game is right for you...

...Our reviews are written with the prospective customer in mind--someone who's naturally interested in playing a new game and has a limited amount of time and money to spend. Our editors approach each review strictly from that perspective. In turn, our reviews are not intended to validate or support the beliefs of hardcore fans, nor are they intended to provide feedback to developers or publishers about how a given game could have been improved. Our reviews are only designed to tell you, the game player, to what extent a game is worth your while.rjdofu

As long as Gamespot and other gaming sites will at least pretend that they are here to "advise us" on what games should "we" as gamers and prospective customers look into, I don't want them to be completely subjective and I want them to have "our" preferences and tastes in mind when reviewing games.

Now, that may be a difficult and sometimes probably downright impossible thing to do (since sometimes the opinions among gamers themselves vary so much that there is no prevailing outlook on how some elements in videogames should be handled...), but I have no doubts, that there are instances when it is possible to figure out what the majority of Gamespot's / some other gaming site's audience is looking for. After all, there's always a ton of feedback for reviews, GoTYs, polls,...

E.g. (I might be making this up, I didn't pay that much attention, so sorry in advance), if a reviewer criticizes GTA 5 for being "too misogynistic" and there's overhelming feedback for the review from people saying that it's O.K. for game being that misogynistic and that reviewer shouldn't put that much emphasis on it (at least while reviewing the game), then the next time I would logically expect that reviewer (or any other) to not put that much emphasis on whether the game is too misogynistic or not.

It's just a common sense to me. If somebody asks me to suggest him some good games to play, the first thing I would do would not be name my favourite ones, but to ask him what kind of games he likes / what is he looking for in games and then adjust my answer accordingly.

Like I said, it's much harder to do it when the one being advised is not a single guy but an entire audience which may consist of tens of thousands of people, but I still believe that there are instances when the reviewers could do a bit better job at taking the preferences of (majority of) their audience into account when reviewing games.

Reviews should be first and foremost useful to as many people as possible. For more refined and opinionated discussions, the writers could easily use editorials, blogs and such.

It may be good in some cases; however, you should also consider the fact that fans always want their game to score as high as possible. The more popular the game is, the higher expectation the fans will have. Sure there are fans who agree with the score and understand where the reviewer comes from, but the vast majority of them are ready to butcher every criticism of the game from the reviewer. Therefore, if you don't want to upset the majority of a fanbase, just give the game a 10. The reviewers should NOT say what we want to hear, they must say what we NEED to hear, that's why criticism is so important.

I agree that the reviewer can shape themselves to public demand (by changing the writing style, not overly harsh or attempting to hit fishing) and try to be as objective as possible (by mentioning which types of audience will be attracted to the game)., but ONLY to some extent. I have no respect to reviewers who just bend over to the whiny fanboys and write whatever the fanboys wanna read instead of stating his or her own opinion, that MIGHT be important to certain people who are serious in their purchase.

If more reviewers begin scoring on type of content instead of how witty, humorous, fun and thought provoking that content is then we end up with a bunch of reviews that dont tell us how good a game really is. Offensive content shouldnt be grounds for a lower score. The mature rating on the box is there for a reason. Far Cry 3, Metro LL and GTA V all got the same score here.

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#41 Wasdie  Moderator
Member since 2003 • 53622 Posts

Reviews have always been subjective.

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#42 TilxWLOC
Member since 2011 • 1164 Posts

I agree that more culturally/socially oriented criticism is not entirely in line with Gamespot's review guidelines. But rather than discarding reviews that do this, I would say that the review guidelines are simply outdated. The 'buyers guide' ideal, i.e. the idea of a review as nothing more but a 'professional' informing 'consumers' emerged in a time when console demos were scarce; when there was no YouTube; when the internet was far less saturated with information; when user reviews and opinions were much more of a niche: in short, in a time when the professional reviewer still derived a considerable amount of authority from the lack of alternative 'see-before-you-buy' options. It was a time when magazines and later websites were basically the only source of information on gameplay other than word-to-mouth.

When I was a kid and I had about 15-20 euros of pocket money to spend per month, I would check reviews zealously to make sure the game I bought was a dead cert in terms of quality, replayability, etc. Now, I can just buy a game based on the recommendation of a friend, or based on gameplay footage on YouTube. The only time that reviews come into play in this decision is when I might check Metacritic just to make sure it's not absolutely abysmal (40-35 rating or lower). But in this situation it's solely about the average and not about what a review says.

So is the review useless? Far from it. I often find myself reading reviews not to see if I want a game/CD/film/whatever, but rather to compare my thoughts and observations to those of other people, which might help me view it in a different light. The review, in its essence, has the potential of being the ideal medium of digesting certain thoughts on a game (or other piece), much in the fashion of an editorial but rather focused on one piece. Provocative, unconventional observations can spark an interesting discussion among the audience, which I think is much more valuable than becoming yet another link in the chain of scores that make up the Metacritic tally. In this sense, I would applaud Petit's inclusion of external topic material, were it not for the fact that her argument is redundant, poorly made and in total dissonance with the rest of the review. But the alternative that is proposed by some - to return to the worn-out buyers guide mold - appears to me as equally disheartening.

Damn, I should lurk more on SW to get with da game.


Man, you should lurk more, you are adding nothing to this thread.

Anyway, that is why I used to watch CGR, it was kind of a blend of the two styles and it never really took itself very seriously, unless you are talking Undertow, they kind of suck. I don't know if they are still like that, but when I used to watch them it was an entertaining buyer's guide, free of spoilers, with opinions thrown in to give you something to compare your thoughts with. I like that.

I don't think I've followed any review maker for that long, or even at all. Now, I don't even read/watch reviews.

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#43 Willy105
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I agree that more culturally/socially oriented criticism is not entirely in line with Gamespot's review guidelines. But rather than discarding reviews that do this, I would say that the review guidelines are simply outdated. The 'buyers guide' ideal, i.e. the idea of a review as nothing more but a 'professional' informing 'consumers' emerged in a time when console demos were scarce; when there was no YouTube; when the internet was far less saturated with information; when user reviews and opinions were much more of a niche: in short, in a time when the professional reviewer still derived a considerable amount of authority from the lack of alternative 'see-before-you-buy' options. It was a time when magazines and later websites were basically the only source of information on gameplay other than word-to-mouth.

When I was a kid and I had about 15-20 euros of pocket money to spend per month, I would check reviews zealously to make sure the game I bought was a dead cert in terms of quality, replayability, etc. Now, I can just buy a game based on the recommendation of a friend, or based on gameplay footage on YouTube. The only time that reviews come into play in this decision is when I might check Metacritic just to make sure it's not absolutely abysmal (40-35 rating or lower). But in this situation it's solely about the average and not about what a review says.

So is the review useless? Far from it. I often find myself reading reviews not to see if I want a game/CD/film/whatever, but rather to compare my thoughts and observations to those of other people, which might help me view it in a different light. The review, in its essence, has the potential of being the ideal medium of digesting certain thoughts on a game (or other piece), much in the fashion of an editorial but rather focused on one piece. Provocative, unconventional observations can spark an interesting discussion among the audience, which I think is much more valuable than becoming yet another link in the chain of scores that make up the Metacritic tally. In this sense, I would applaud Petit's inclusion of external topic material, were it not for the fact that her argument is redundant, poorly made and in total dissonance with the rest of the review. But the alternative that is proposed by some - to return to the worn-out buyers guide mold - appears to me as equally disheartening.

Damn, I should lurk more on SW to get with da game.


Man, you should lurk more, you are adding nothing to this thread.


Anyway, reviews don't interest me much anymore like before, since I now have other, far superior, means of deciding if I want a game or not. If I'm going tor ead a review now, I want it to provide commentary of stuff about the game, what they thought about that particular aspect. If they are simply objective reviews, they are completely useless to someone who already bought or is going to buy a game. The true value for a review for me begins after I finish the game and want to discuss it and see what other people thought about the game/TV episode/movie.

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#44 OneInchMan99
Member since 2012 • 1248 Posts

Reviews can only ever be someones opinion of a game.

There is only one opinion that matters to me..............and thats mine.:)

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#45 blackace
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[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Reviews are, by definition, subjective :|drekula2

Then there should be no crime in Petit being honest she finds a game sexist and confused in its message or McShea just really never cared for the characters in TLOU.

They have a right to their review opinions, but no one has to like them or accept them.

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#46 SciFiRPGfan
Member since 2010 • 694 Posts

Anyway, reviews don't interest me much anymore like before, since I now have other, far superior, means of deciding if I want a game or not. If I'm going tor ead a review now, I want it to provide commentary of stuff about the game, what they thought about that particular aspect. If they are simply objective reviews, they are completely useless to someone who already bought or is going to buy a game. The true value for a review for me begins after I finish the game and want to discuss it and see what other people thought about the game/TV episode/movie.Willy105

I don't know... The whole concept of using reviews primarily as platforms for starting (or downright provoking) discussions rather than using them as buyer's guides sounds kind of inefficient to me.

Usually, at the time of a publication of a review a vast majority of people haven't even played the game, so when / if something controversial is brought to the table by said review, most people can't discuss it properly. They can only speculate and theorize based on what is written in the article which is not enough (the descriptions in reviews may turn out to be inaccurate or exaggerated or the reviewer may receive a lot of flak for what turns out to be true, but at the time of the review it did not sound like a big deal,...)  

OTOH, when the people finally didplay and finish the game, the "storm" provoked by the review has already (mostly) passed away - some people might have moved on to other articles, others just may not want to discuss same issues again, the reviewers might not even be available to reply to at that point finally more accurate and more substantiated feedback,...

To me, it just sounds much more natural and efficient to write an opinionated article / editorial some time after the game has been released and after the players had a chance to try the game for themselves.

In addition to having the audience which finally knows what exactly has the writer in mind when he / she is talking about specific situations in the game, other benefits are that the writer may not focus on the whole game, but only on his / her own subjective issues with the game and no one will blame him / her for wasting too much of review's space / time on it and the fact that less damage is done to almost everyone (to the game and developers, to the fans who may find review too biased, to the reviewer who would probably receive more flak if his / her criticism was materialized through a review with a score than through some additional article,...).

IGN had (Or still has? Haven't been there for a while.) a section called "Second opinions". I dunno how well it worked out for them or if it really was utilized for posting opinions / ideas which did not make it to their reviews, but I can't see why gaming sites couldn't use something like that for posting their less mainstream opinions and starting more controversial debates through that.

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#47 rjdofu
Member since 2008 • 9171 Posts
[quote="SciFiRPGfan"] I am not sure if I am able to distinguish when it's just a group of vocal fans / fanboys and when it's like a legitimate majority of Gamespot's audience tho. Maybe it's something that can be figured out or at least guessed more accurately from both the number of negative comments and their content (validity of criticism)? I dunno. Gamespot does have a show where they focus on comments from their readers, so maybe careful analysis could help them find balance between what they want to say about games, what most of their audience would want to hear and what both the audience and reviewers agree that needs to be said about games.

I think it really depends on the context and the level of criticism as well as the amount of feedback from the fans. Take The last of us review for example, the reviewer clearly stated all the issues leading to the score, and those are all valid reasons, yet when you look at the feedback, most of them are just fanboy gibberish. Another important point is that none of those fans had played the game. That's why I think reviewers shouldn't focus too much on the 'feedback' and shape their reviews according to it. [quote=""] I believe that the conclusions reached through more general discussions could then be useful for individual reviews. In best case scenario, the parties (reviewers and audience / part of the audience who disagrees with reviewers) would find some kind of middleground, in worst case scenario, the parties would at least get to know each other's stances better and be prepared for reviews and their consequences

Yeah, that would be one way. GS is actually gonna have multiple reviews for popular titles in the future, so I think fans will have no trouble of finding the one that suits themselves best.
Well, as a reviewer you would be "trading" interests of an already known part of your audience (fans / fanboys), who you have better idea about what they are looking for, for an uknown (potentially non-existing) part of your audience who just "might" find your different approach more useful? I dunno. That sounds like a quite risky trade off to say the least.
I would say if someone already knows what he's looking for in a game and has already formed a solid opinion about the game, there's no need for him to look at reviews, since his opinions are probably set in stone. On the other hand, if he is not certain that the game is worth it, he will find the criticism very useful. Personally, I often fall into the second scenario, I can't just drop my money on something and get disappointed later, that's why I mostly read reviews that contains constructive criticism (about the gameplay or something that I care about). That's why I couldn't care less about the "misogyny" thing in the GTAV reviews, since i know it won't affect my experience; unlike some other people, who think they can't enjoy the game if it scores a 9. That being said, positive reviews is no less valuable than negative reviews, as long as the reviewer can justify his decision.